(Act 3, sc,3)
You are three men of sin, whom destiny –
That hath to instrument this lower world
And what is in’t, - the never surfeited sea
Hath caused to belch up you, and on this island
Where man doth not inhabit, you ‘mongst men
Being most unfit to live. I have made you mad,
And even with suchlike valour men hang and drown
Their proper selves. You fools ! I and my fellows
Are ministers of fate. The elements
Of whom your swords are tempered may as well
Wound the loud winds, or with bemocked at stabs
Kill the still-closing waters, as diminish
One dowl that’s in my plume. My fellow ministers
Are like invulnerable, if you could hurt,
Your swords are now to massy for your strengths
And will not be uplifted. But remember,
For that’s my business to you, that you three
From Milan did supplant good Prospero ;
Exposed unto the sea, which hath requit it,
Him and his innocent child for which foul deed,
The powers, delaying, not forgetting, have
Incensed the seas and shores, yea, all the creatures,
Against your peace. Thee of thy son, Alonso,
They have bereft, and do pronounce by me
Ling’ring perdition – worse than any death
Can be at once – shall step by step attend
You and your ways ; whose wraths to gard you from –
Which here in this most desolate isle else falls
Upon your heads – is nothing but heart’s sorrow
And a clear life ensuing. |
(III vaatus, 3. stseen)
Te olete kolm patust, keda saatus,
kel tööriistaks on käes see maine ilm
ja mis siin leidub, igiaplal merel
suust käskis süljata just siia saarde,
kus inimesi pole: nende seas
te elama ei kõlba. Teen teid hulluks:
siis kanged ollakse end uputama ja pooma.
Narrid! Mina ja mu vennad -
me saatust teenime. Need ained,
millest te mõõgad taotud, sama hästi võivad
tuult haavata või nõrgast torkest tappa
taasühinevat vett, kui kitkuda
üht udet minu tiivust. Haavamatud
on ka mu teenrid. Kui te katset teeks, -
te jõule on te mõõgad nüüd liig rasked
ja nad ei tõuseks. Aga teadke üht,
see on mu sõnum: teie kolm Milaanost
hea Prospero koos süütu lapsega
kord välja heitsite vee meelevalda,
kes maksab kätte nüüd; ning selle teo eest
võim , kes küll viivitab, kuid meeles peab,
on õhutand vood, rannad, loomad, kõik
te rahu vastu. Sult, Alonso, võttis
ta poja; ning mul teile kuulutada
on aeglast hukku, hullemat, kui iial
on kiire surm: samm-sammult seirab see
te teel teid, ning ta raevu käest, mis hukkab
sel süngel saarel muidu teid, ei päästa
nüüd miski muu kui kahetsusepiin
ja puhas elu. |