LORETA - Vokaalteoste eestikeelsete tõlgete andmebaas
Andmebaas sisaldab järgmisi teoseid: ooperid, oratooriumid, kantaadid, laulud ja liturgilised žanrid. Andmebaasi täiendatakse jätkuvalt uute teoste tõlgetega.

Tõlked pärinevad erinevatest allikatest ja on tehtud erineva eesmärgiga. Enamik tõlkeid ei ole mõeldud laulmiseks. EMTA raamatukogu ei ole tõlkeid sisuliselt toimetanud.

Andmebaasi koostajad on püüdnud saada ühendust kõikide tõlkijatega, kuid kahjuks pole see kõikidel juhtudel õnnestunud. Pretensioonide korral palume võtta ühendust tagasiside vormi kaudu.

Kõik andmebaasis toodud tõlked on mõeldud õppeotstarbeliseks kasutamiseks. Muudel juhtudel palume võtta ühendust tõlkijaga.

Head kasutamist!

Tenebrae responsories
eelmine järgmine

Muusika autor Tomas Luis de Victoria
Tõlge Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor

Amicus meus osculi me tradidit signo:
Quem osculatus fuero, ipse est, tenete eum:
hoc malum fecit signum,
qui per osculum adimplevit homicidium.
Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis,
et in fine laqueo se suspendit.
Bonum erat illi,
si natus non fuisset homo ille.
Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis,
et in fine laqueo se suspendit.

Iudas mercator pessimus
osculo petiit Dominum:
ille ut agnus innocens
non negavit Iudae osculum.
Denariorum numero
Christum Iudaeis tradidit.
Melius illi erat,
si natus non fuisset.
Denariorum numero
Christum Iudaeis tradidit.

Unus ex discipulis meis tradet me hodie:
Vae illi per quem tradar ego:
Melius illi erat,
si natus non fuisset.
Qui intingit mecum manum in paropside,
hic me traditurus est in manus peccatorum.
Melius illi erat,
si natus non fuisset.
Unus ex discipulis meis tradet me hodie:
Vae illi per quem tradar ego:
Melius illi erat,
si natus non fuisset.

Eram quasi agnus innocens:
ductus sum ad immolandum, et nesciebam:
consilium fecerunt inimici mei
adversum me, dicentes:
Venite, mittamus lignum in panem eius,
et eradamus eum de terra viventium.
Omnes inimici mei adversum me
cogitabant mala mihi:
verbum iniquum mandaverunt
adversum me, dicentes:
Venite, mittamus lignum in panem eius,
et eradamus eum de terra viventium.

Una hora non potuistis vigilare mecum,
qui exhortabamini mori pro me?
Vel Iudam non videtis, quomodo non dormit,
sed festinat tradere me Iudaeis?
Quid dormitis? surgite, et orate,
ne intretis in tentationem.
Vel Iudam non videtis, quomodo non dormit,
sed festinat tradere me Iudaeis?

Seniores populi consilium fecerunt,
ut Iesum dolo tenerent, et occiderent:
cum gladiis et fustibus exierunt tamquam ad latronem.
Collegerunt pontifices et pharisaei concilium.
Ut Iesum dolo tenerent, et occiderent:
cum gladiis et fustibus exierunt tamquam ad latronem.
Seniores populi consilium fecerunt,
ut Iesum dolo tenerent, et occiderent:
cum gladiis et fustibus exierunt tamquam ad latronem.

Tamquam ad latronem existis
cum gladiis et fustibus comprehendere me:
Quotidie apud vos eram in templo docens,
et non me tenuistis:
et ecce flagellatum ducitis ad crucifigendum.
Cumque iniecissent manus in Iesum,
et tenuissent eum, dixit ad eos:
Quotidie apud vos eram in templo docens,
et non me tenuistis:
et ecce flagellatum ducitis ad crucifigendum.

Tenebrae factae sunt,
dum crucifixissent Iesum Iudaei:
et circa horam nonam
exclamavit Iesus voce magna:
Deus meus, ut quid me derelinquisti?
Et inclinato capite, emisit spiritum.
Exclamans Iesus voce magna ait:
Pater, in manus tuas
commendo spiritum meum.
Et inclinato capite, emisit spiritum.

Animam meam dilectam tradidi in manus iniquorum,
et facta est mihi haereditas mea, sicut leo in silva:
dedit contra me voces adversarius meus,
Congregamini, et properate ad devorandum illum:
posuerunt me in deserto solitudinis,
et luxit super me omnis terra:
Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret,
et faceret bene.
Insurrexerunt in me viri absque misericordia,
et non pepercerunt animae meae.
Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret,
et faceret bene.
Animam meam dilectam tradidi in manus iniquorum,
et facta est mihi haereditas mea, sicut leo in silva:
dedit contra me voces adversarius meus,
Congregamini, et properate ad devorandum illum:
posuerunt me in deserto solitudinis,
et luxit super me omnis terra:
Quia non est inventus qui me agnosceret,
et faceret bene.

Tradiderunt me in manus impiorum
et inter iniquos proiecerunt me,
et non pepercerunt animae meae:
congregati sunt adversum me fortes:
Et sicut gigantes steterunt contra me.
Alieni insurrexerunt adversum me,
et fortes quaesierunt animama meam.
Et sicut gigantes steterunt contra me.

Iesum tradidit impius summis principibus sacerdotum,
et senioribus populi:
Petrus autem sequebatur eum a longe,
ut videret finem.
Adduxerunt autem eum ad Caipham
principem sacerdotum,
ubi scribae et pharisaei convenerant.
Petrus autem sequebatur eum a longe,
ut videret finem.

Caligaverunt oculi mei a fletu meo:
quia elongatus est a me, qui consolabatur me:
Videte omnes populi,
si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.
O vos omnes, qui transitis per viam,
attendite, et videte:
si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.
Caligaverunt oculi mei a fletu meo:
quia elongatus est a me, qui consolabatur me:
Videte omnes populi,
si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.

Recessit pastor noster, fons aquae vivae,
ad cuius transitum sol obscuratus est:
Nam et ille captus est,
qui captivum tenebat primum hominem:
hodie portas mortis et seras pariter
Salvator noster disrupit.
Destruxit quidem claustra inferni,
et subvertit potentias diaboli.
Nam et ille captus est,
qui captivum tenebat primum hominem:
hodie portas mortis
et seras pariter Salvator noster disrupit.

O vos omnes, qui transitis per viam,
attendite, et videte:
Si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.
Attendite universi populi,
et videte dolorem meum.
Si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.

Ecce quomodo moritur iustus,
et nemo percipit corde:
et viri iusti tolluntur,
et nemo considerat:
a facie iniquitatis sublatus est iustus:
Et erit in pace memoria eius.
Tamquam agnus coram tondete se
obmutuit, et non aperuit os suum:
de angustia, et de iudicio sublatus est.
Et erit in pace memoria eius.
Ecce quomodo moritur iustus,
et nemo percipit corde:
et viri iusti tolluntur,
et nemo considerat:
a facie iniquitatis sublatus est iustus:
Et erit in pace memoria eius.

Astiterunt reges terrae,
et principes convenerunt in unum,
adversus Dominum, et adversus Christum eius.
Quare fremuerunt gentes,
et populi meditati sunt inania?
Adversus Dominum, et adversus Christum eius.

Aestimatus sum
cum descendentibus in lacum:
Factus sum sicut homo sine adiutorio,
inter mortuos liber.
Posuerunt me in lacu inferiori,
in tenebrosis, et in umbra mortis.
Factus sum sicut homo sine adiutorio,
inter mortuos liber.

Sepulto Domino,
signatum est monumentum,
volventes lapidem ad ostium monumenti:
Ponentes milites, qui custodirent illum.
Accedentes principes sacerdotum
ad Pilatum, petierunt illum.
Ponentes milites, qui custodirent illum.
Märk, millega mu sõber mu reetis, oli suudlus:
kellele ma annan suud, tema see ongi, tema võtke kinni.
Ta andis kurja märgi,
sest suudlusega õhutas ta mõrva.
See õnnetu loobus vere eest makstud palgast
ja riputas end lõpuks silmusesse.
Sellele mehele oleks olnud hea
kui ta poleks sündinudki.
See õnnetu loobus vere eest makstud palgast
ja riputas end lõpuks silmusesse.

Juudas, nurjatuim kaubitseja
andis Issanda suudlusega välja,
ja tema kui süütu tall
ei tõuganud ära Juuda suudlust.
Peotäie müntide eest
andis ta Kristuse juutide kätte.
Talle oleks olnud parem,
kui ta poleks sündinudki.
Peotäie müntide eest
andis ta Kristuse juutide kätte.

Üks mu jüngreist reedab mu täna.
Häda sellele, kelle tõttu mind ära antakse:
Talle oleks olnud parem,
kui ta poleks sündinudki.
See, kes on kastnud minuga käe kaussi,
tema see annabki mu patuste kätte.
Talle oleks olnud parem,
kui ta poleks sündinudki.
Üks mu jüngreist reedab mu täna.
Häda sellele, kelle tõttu mind ära antakse:
Talle oleks olnud parem,
kui ta poleks sündinudki.

Olin kui süütu tall,
mind viidi ohverdada ja ma ei teadnud seda,
mu vaenlased
pidasid mu vastu nõu:
Tulge, paneme puud ta leivasse
ja hävitame ta elavate maalt.
Kõik mu vaenlased
haudusid kurja mu vastu.
Ränki sõnu
ütlesid nad mulle:
Tulge, paneme puud ta leivasse
ja hävitame ta elavate maalt.

Kas ühtainsat tundi ei suuda minuga valvata
teie, kes lubasite minu eest surra?
Või ei näe te, et Juudas ei maga,
vaid ruttab mind andma juutide kätte?
Miks te magate? Tõuske ja paluge,
et teid proovile ei pandaks.
Või ei näe te, et Juudas ei maga,
vaid ruttab mind andma juutide kätte?

Rahvavanemad tulid kokku
et Jeesust kavalusega kinni võtta ja tappa:
mõõkade ja kaigastega läksid nad otsekui röövli järele.
Preestrid ja variserid pidasid nõu,
et Jeesust kavalusega kinni võtta ja tappa:
mõõkade ja kaigastega läksid nad otsekui röövli järele.
Rahvavanemad tulid kokku
et Jeesust kavalusega kinni võtta ja tappa:
mõõkade ja kaigastega läksid nad otsekui röövli järele.

Otsekui röövli järele olete tulnud
mõõkade ja kaigastega mind vangi võtma.
Päevast päeva olin ma teiega ja õpetasin templis,
ja te ei võtnud mind kinni,
aga nüüd piitsutate ja viite ristile surema.
Kui nad olid Jeesusest haaranud
ja ta kinni võtnud, ütles ta neile:
Päevast päeva olin teiega ja õpetasin templis,
ja te ei võtnud mind kinni,
aga nüüd piitsutate ja viite ristile surema.

Pimedus tuli
kui juudid olid Jeesuse risti löönud.
Ja üheksanda tunni paiku
hüüdis Jeesus valjul häälel:
Mu Jumal, mispärast sa mu maha jätsid?
Ja langetanud pea, heitis hinge.
Jeesus hüüdis valju häälega:
Isa, sinu kätte
ma annan oma vaimu.
Ja langetanud pea, heitis hinge.

Oma kalli hinge andsin ma ülekohtuste kätte,
ja mu pärand on mulle kui lõvi metsas.
Mu vaenlane ütles mulle:
Tulge kokku ja rutake teda hävitama.”
Nad panid mu üksinduse kõrbe
ja kogu maa leinas mind,
sest polnud kedagi, kes võtnuks mind omaks
või aidanuks mind.
Mehed tõusid mu vastu halastuseta
ega säästnud mu hinge.
Sest polnud kedagi, kes võtnuks mind omaks
või aidanuks mind.
Oma kalli hinge andsin ma ülekohtuste kätte,
ja mu pärand on mulle kui lõvi metsas.
Mu vaenlane ütles mulle:
Tulge kokku ja rutake teda hävitama.”
Nad panid mu üksinduse kõrbe
ja kogu maa leinas mind,
sest polnud kedagi, kes võtnuks mind omaks
või aidanuks mind.

Nad andsid mind jõledate kätte
ja ülekohtuste hulka paiskasid mind
ega säästnud mu hinge.
Mu vastu ühinesid vägevad
ja seisid otsekui hiiglased mu vastas.
Võõrad tõusid mu vastu
ja vägevad ihkasid mu hinge.
Ja seisid otsekui hiiglased mu vastas.

Jõle mees reetis Jeesuse ülempreestreile
ja rahvavanemaile.
Peetrus aga järgnes talle eemalt,
et näha, kuidas asi lõpeb.
Nad viisid ta Kaiva,
ülempreestri juurde,
kuhu olid kogunenud kirjatundjad ja variserid.
Peetrus aga järgnes talle eemalt,
et näha, kuidas asi lõpeb.

Mu silmad jäid pimedaks mu pisaraist
sest kaugel on minust see, kes mind lohutaks.
Vaadake, kõik inimesed,
kas on veel südamevalu, minu valu sarnast?
Teie kõik, kes te seda teed käite,
pange tähele ja vaadake:
kas on veel südamevalu, minu valu sarnast?
Mu silmad jäid pimedaks mu pisaraist
sest kaugel on minust see, kes mind lohutaks.
Vaadake, kõik inimesed,
kas on veel südamevalu, minu valu sarnast?

Kadus me karjane, eluvee allikas,
kelle minnes jäi päike pimedaks.
Ent nüüd on ka see vallutatud,
kes esimest inimestest kütkeis hoidis:
surma väravad ja riivid
me Lunastaja täna murdis.
Ta lõhkus põrgu vallid
ja kukutas saatana võimu.
Ent nüüd on ka see vallutatud,
kes esimest inimestest kütkeis hoidis:
surma väravad ja riivid
me Lunastaja täna murdis.

Teie kõik, kes te seda teed käite,
pange tähele ja vaadake:
kas on veel südamevalu, minu valu sarnast?
Kõik inimesed, pange tähele,
ja märgake mu südamevalu.
Kas on veel südamevalu, minu valu sarnast?

Vaadake, kuidas õiglane sureb
ja see ei liiguta kedagi.
Õiglased hävitatakse
ja keegi ei hooli.
Kurjuse palge eest viidi õiglane ära
ja puhaku rahus ta mälestus.
Otsekui tall pügaja ees oli ta vait
ja ei avanud oma suud.
Hirmu ja kohtumõistmise eest ta viidi,
ja puhaku rahus ta mälestus.
Vaadake, kuidas õiglane sureb
ja see ei liiguta kedagi.
Õiglased hävitatakse
ja keegi ei hooli.
Kurjuse palge eest viidi õiglane ära
ja puhaku rahus ta mälestus.

Maailma kuningad koonduvad ühte
ja võimukandjad peavad seltsides nõu
Issanda ja ta Kristuse vastu.
Miks raevutsevad rahvad
ja hõimud mõlgutlevad tühja?
Issanda ja ta Kristuse vastu.

Olen arvatud nende hulka,
kes lähevad hauasügavikku,
nüüd olen kui mees, kel pole toetajat,
vaba surnute hulgas.
Nad panid mu põrguhauda,
pimedasse, ja surmavarju.
Nüüd olen kui mees, kel pole toetajat,
vaba surnute hulgas.

Kui nad Issanda olid matnud,
pitserdati haud,
rahn veeretati hauasuu ette,
ja sõdurid pandi teda valvama.
Ülempreestrid tulid palvega
Pilatuse ette,
ja sõdurid pandi teda valvama.
The sign by which my friend betrayed me was a kiss:
whom shall I kiss, that is he: hold him fast:
he that committed murder
by a kiss gave this wicked sign.
The unhappy wretch returned the price of blood,
and in the end hanged himself.
It had been good for that man
he had never been born
The unhappy wretch returned the price of blood,
and in the end hanged himself.

The wicked merchant Iudas
sought our Lord with a kiss.
He, like an innocent lamb,
refused not the kiss of Iudas.
For a few coins
he delivered Christ to the Jews.
It had been good for that man
he had never been born
For a few coins
he delivered Christ to the Jews.

One of my disciples will this day betray me:
woe to him by whom I am betrayed:
It had been good for that man
he had never been born
He that dips his hand with me in the dish,
is the man that will deliver me into the hands of sinners.
It had been good for that man
he had never been born
One of my disciples will this day betray me:
woe to him by whom I am betrayed:
It had been good for that man
he had never been born

I was like an innocent lamb:
I was led to be sacrificied and I knew it not:
my enemies
conspired against me, saying:
Come, let us put wood into his bread,
and root him out of the land of the living.
All my enemies
contrived mischief against me,
they uttered evil speech
against me, saying:
Come, let us put wood into his bread,
and root him out of the land of the living.

Could ye not watch one hour with me,
ye that were eager to die for me?
Or do you not see Iudas, how he sleeps not,
but makes haste to betray me to the Jews?
Why do ye sleep? Arise and pray,
lest ye fall into temptation.
Or do you not see Iudas, how he sleeps not,
but makes haste to betray me to the Jews?

The elders of the people consulted together:
how they might by some craft apprehend Iesus and kill him:
they went out with swords and clubs as to a thief.
The priests and pharisees held a council.
how they might by some craft apprehend Iesus and kill him:
they went out with swords and clubs as to a thief.
The elders of the people consulted together:
how they might by some craft apprehend Iesus and kill him:
they went out with swords and clubs as to a thief.

You are come out as it were to a robber
with swords and clubs to apprehend me:
I was daily with you teaching in the temple
and you laid not hands upon me:
yet now scourge me and lead me to be crucified.
And when they had laid hands on Iesus
and held him fast, he said them:
I was daily with you teaching in the temple
and you laid not hands upon me:
yet now scourge me and lead me to be crucified.

There was darkness
when the Jews crucified Iesus;
and about the ninth hour
Iesus cried out with a loud voice:
My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
And bowing down his head, he gave up the ghost.
Iesus, crying out with a loud voice, said:
Father, into thy hands
I commend my spirit.
And bowing down his head, he gave up the ghost.

I delivered the soul that I had loved into the hands of the wicked,
and my inheritance is become to me like a lion in the forest.
My adversary spoke out against me saying:
Come together and make haste to devour him.
They placed me in a solitary desert,
and all the earth mourned for me:
Because there was none that would know me
and do good for me.
Men without mercy rose up against me,
and they spared not my life.
Because there was none that would know me
and do good for me.
I delivered the soul that I had loved into the hands of the wicked,
and my inheritance is become to me like a lion in the forest.
My adversary spoke out against me saying:
Come together and make haste to devour him.
They placed me in a solitary desert,
and all the earth mourned for me:
Because there was none that would know me
and do good for me.

They delivered me into the hands of the impious,
and cast me out amongst the wicked,
and spared not my soul:
the powerful gathered together against me:
And like giants they stood against me:
Strangers have risen up against me,
and the mighty have sought after my soul.
And like giants they stood against me:

The wicked man betrayed Iesus to the chief priests and
elders of the people:
but Peter followed him a far off,
to see the end.
And they led him to Caiphas,
the chief priest,
where the Scribes and Pharisees were met together.
but Peter followed him a far off,
to see the end.

My eyes became dim with my weeping:
for he is far from me that consoled me.
See, all ye people,
if there be sorrow like my sorrow.
O all ye that pass by this way,
attend and see.
if there be sorrow like my sorrow.
My eyes became dim with my weeping:
for he is far from me that consoled me.
See, all ye people,
if there be sorrow like my sorrow.

Our shepherd, the fount of the living water, is gone,
at whose passing the sun was darkened,
For he is taken,
who took captive the first man:
today our Saviour burst open both
the gates and the bolts of death.
He destroyed the prisons of hell,
and overthrew the might of the devil.
For he is taken,
who took captive the first man:
today our Saviour burst open both
the gates and the bolts of death.

O all ye that pass by the way,
attend and see,
If there be sorrow like my sorrow.
Watch, all ye people,
and see my sorrow.
If there be sorrow like my sorrow.

Behold how the just man dies,
and no one take it to heart;
and just men are taken away,
and no one cares about it:
the just men has been taken away from the face of iniquity:
And his memory shall be in peace.
He was mute as a lamb before the shearer,
and he opened not his mouth:
he was taken away from anguish and from judgement.
And his memory shall be in peace.
Behold how the just man dies,
and no one take it to heart;
and just men are taken away,
and no one cares about it:
the just men has been taken away from the face of iniquity:
And his memory shall be in peace.

The kings of the earth stood up,
and the princes joined together,
Against the Lord, and against his Christ.
Why did the people rage,
and the multitude think mad things?
Against the Lord, and against his Christ.

I am counted among those
that go down to the depths:
I am as a man without help,
free among the dead.
They have laid me in the lower pit,
in darkness, and in the shadow of death.
I am as a man without help,
free among the dead.

When the Lord was buried,
they sealed up the tomb,
rolling a stone before the entrance to the sepulchre:
Placing soldiers to guard it.
The chief priests
went to Pilate and petitioned him.
Placing soldiers to guard it.