The CoPeCo Masters Programme is a full-time joint programme (120 ECTS) divided into four semesters of study (30 ECTS each). You will spend each semester in a different institution and country, as follows:
- 1st semester: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia (autumn semester: September – January)
- 2nd semester: Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden (spring semester: January – June)
- 3rd semester: Conservatoire National Superieur Musique et Danse Lyon, France (autumn semester: September – February)
- 4th semester: Hamburg University of Music and Drama, Germany (spring semester: April – September)
1st Semester (EAMT)
Open space (10 ECTS)
Master degree project follow-up (5 ECTC)
Improvisation 1 (2 ECTS)
Live Electronics Ensemble (2 ECTS)
Art and Environment (4 ECTS)
Creatives in the society (2 ECTS)
Analysis of Contemporary Music (2 ECTS)
Sound Synthesis or Introduction to Music Technology Facilities (3 ECTS)
2nd Semester (KMH)
Open space (7.5 ECTS)
Master degree project follow-up (5 ECTC)
Music Performance and Imporvisation (5 ECTS)
Orientation in Swedish Contemporary Music (2.5 ECTS)
Theory and Analysis of Electroacoustic Music (5 ECTS)
Applied Music Programming (5 ECTS)
3rd semester (CNSMD)
Open Space CNSMD (5 ECTS)
Artistic tutoring ( 2 ECTS)
Master degree project follow-up (5 ECTC)
Improvisation 2 (2 ECTS)
Lab Opera / Lab SAS (2 ECTS)
Computer Lab Ensemble (2 ECTS)
Outreach – Pedagogy & mediation (2 ECTS)
Analysis 20th & 21st centuries (5 ECTS)
Computer Aided Music, Electroacoustic (Max/Max4live), Sound Technics (5 ECTS)
4th Semester (HfMT)
Open Space HfMT (1.5 ECTS)
Artistic tutoring (2 ECTS)
Master degree project follow-up (15 ECTC)
Concepts of improvisation / Comprovisation (1.5 ECTS)
History & Practice of Multimedia (1.5 ECTS)
Artistic Research / Musicology (2 ECTS)
Intercultural Communication (1 ECTS)
#Analysis21 (1.5 ECTS)
Networked Performance & Composition (3 ECTS)