The use of IT services in the academy is governed by the IT Services Policy.
All matriculated students and exchange students of EAMT have a Google email address in the form, which provides access to Google Workspace cloud-based applications (Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Classroom, etc).
In the academy, online courses are mostly delivered in the Moodle learning environment. Instructions about registration, login and enrolment can be found HERE.
To set up a VPN connection, see the guidelines HERE.
If you need some IT-related assistance, turn to:
IT unit:
Peeter Perens (D-520) – – IT manager
Peeter Veltmann (D-520) – – IT support, including internet access, user accounts, etc.
Technical unit:
Nikita Šiškov (D-516) – – technical issues related to the use and connection of audio & video systems.