The Research Committee, which is part of the Senate, is responsible for discussing issues related to EAMT’s research activities and preparing the Senate’s decisions and regulations related to research.
The Committee is established by decree of the Rector for one academic year. The work of the Scientific Committee is chaired by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Research and meets at least once a semester.
For the 2024/25 academic year, the research committee consists of: Margus Pärtlas (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Research, Chair of the Committee), Kristel Pappel (Head of the Centre for Doctoral Studies), Kaari Kiitsak-Prikk (Chief Coordinator of the Department of Musicology, Music Pedagogy and Cultural Management), Kerri Kotta (Head of Musicology), Lembit Orgse (Head of Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy Studies), Kristi Kiilu (Head of Music Pedagogy Studies), Kai Kiiv (Head of Cultural Management Studies), Madli Pesti (Senior Researcher, the Theatre Department), Anu Schaper (Researcher, Executive Editor of the EAMT Press), Veeda Kala (PhD Student in Musicology), Valle-Rasmus Roots (PhD Student in Artistic Research), Tuuli Põhjakas (MA Student of Musicology), Kristel Karu-Kletter (Research Secretary).