The Continuing Education Centre of EAMT organises courses in the subjects taught at the Academy. The main target groups of continuing education include teachers at music schools, general education schools and pre-school child care institutions, the teaching staff of musical vocational education institutions and institutions of applied higher education, active performing artists and cultural workers in Estonia, academic staff members of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Professional musicians, music teachers and active performing artists are offered the latest information through refresher courses and master-classes in cooperation with several other universities in Estonia and Europe. In addition, as flexible study formats, the Open Academy and independent refresher training provide all members of society with suitable opportunities for participation in the lifelong learning process.
Active participation in the Estonian Network for University Continuing Education is an important element of development work in the Continuing Education Centre. Within the framework of the project “High-quality and Diverse Continuing Education in Cooperation between Universities”, Estonian public universities have joined their forces to develop a quality assessment system for continuing education, including a self-assessment model based on the EFQM Excellence Model. The Continuing Education Centre of EAMT participated in the piloting of the system.
EAMT offers a range of opportunities for continuing education for teachers and active musicians, but also for music, theatre and culture enthusiasts.
Why choose continuing education at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre?
- EAMT has top-levellecturers in the performing arts. To ensure the highest quality of our training programs, the courses are given by outstanding lecturers and musicians from the fields of music, music education, theatre and culture from EAMT and around the world
- Continuing education training at EAMT is primarily practical
- Our flexible approach to studies allows each participant to plan an independent continuing education program that corresponds with their existing abilities/knowledge and their study goals
- The Open Academy at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre allows students to choose subjects to further their education based on their area of interest
- Starting now, anyone interested in continuing education can register for master classes as an observer through the relevant academic departments (for more information see the Training Calendar)
- The study environment at EAMT is up-to-date – the lecture rooms are equipped with quality musical instruments and modern sound and presentation technology.
See you at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre!