EAMT announces the competition for student projects
The deadline for project drafts: February 20, 2020 at 12:00
The preliminary project plan has to include:
– the title and purpose of the project;
– summary, target group, preliminary budget;
– expected outcomes of the project;
– responsible organiser of the project, team and potential partners;
– contact datas (e-mail, phone, account no)
The competition jury will select the most promising ideas. These ideas/teams will be participating in the 3-months Creative Business Development program STARTERtallinn (starting February 26). The jury will assess the developed ideas again in the end of May and up to three best projects will be granted a scholarship in order to implement the idea.
The prize fund is 800 €.
The jury will prefer sustainable creative projects and business ideas with a specific output. Students of all levels (BA, MA, and Doctoral degree) are welcome to submit their ideas to the competition.
Jury will select winners according to the terms and conditions of the competition The selected projects have to be implemented during one calendar year after the competition; the projects have to be publicly introduced as being held under the aegis of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and the winners of competition must follow the requirements of the competition rules.
The deadline for submitting projects is at 12:00 on February 20, 2020. Projects have to be submitted electronically to e-mail projektikonkurss@ema.edu.ee in Estonian or in English.
Information: Marko Lõhmus, marko@ema.edu.ee, (Cultural Management)