Body Percussion. Richard Filz

03.11.2023 at 17:00

Workshop “Body Percussion – Basics, Examples, Applications, Discussion”
3 November @17.00-19.00 in D-511

Body percussion is music and rhythm with your own body. The sounds, rhythms and choreographies have recently become very popular in music pedagogy. Many positive effects have been discovered like the improvement of the concentration, memorization, mental agility and the body consciousness. In this presentation author, teacher and body percussion performer Richard Filz introduces his style of body percussion and the application in the (children) choir. Sounds, rhythms, warm-ups, canons and song accompaniment will be tried out and topics like age-specific work will be discussed. Finally, you will (exhausted) find out that Body Percussion is perfect training for body and mind.

Richard Filz, MA PhD, is a musician, author, composer and lecturer born in Wiener Neustadt, Austria.

  • Master of Arts in Drum Set and Latin Percussion at the Vienna Conservatory Private University under Prof. Walter Grassmann and at the Drummers Collective, New York.
  • Doctorate at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. Topic: Rhythm Coaching – Aspects, Methods, Comparison [Rhythm Coaching – Aspekte, Methoden, Vergleich] (2012)
  • Over 2500 concerts in the field of popular music and 100 albums with different artists
  • Publications: Rhythm, Sound & Colour für Percussion-Ensemble (1998), World Music Cuba (2000), Vocal Percussion 1-3 (2002), groove Karaoke (2003), Rhythm Coach Level 1+2 (2004/2007), Rap, Rhythm & Rhyme – Vocal Percussion in der Klasse (2006), Rhyth:MIX 1+2 (2008/2009), Rhythmus für Kids 1+2 (2008/2010), Lehr-DVD Vocal Percussion Basics (2009), Rhythm Voices (2009), Magic Groove Box – die Cajon in Spielgruppe und Klasse (2010), Body Percussion Sounds and Rhythms (2011), Rhythmus aus der Schultasche (2012), Bodygroove Kids 1+2 (2012/2013), Bodygroove Advanced (2014), Rhythm Start-Ups für Chor und Klasse (2014), Trommeln mit Kids (2014), Bum Bum Clap (2016), Complete Rhythm Method – Level 1 (2016), Complete Rhythm Method – Level 2 (2017), Alles ist zum Trommeln da! (2018), Body HITS and BEATS (2018), Body Hits für Kids (2019), Rhythmusspiele für Kids (2020)
  • Teaching activity at the Conservatory of Eisenstadt (Austria) in drum sets, percussion, rhythm training, didactics, and teaching practice; international activity as a university lecturer (over 3000 workshops).

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