On 17 October at 12 pm (noon) the Great Hall of the Estonian Music and Theatre Academy will be filled with music from Estonian and Korean composers. The concert featuring the students of the Academy plays tribute to the friendly relations of our two countries and celebrates the strengthening cultural cooperation. The concert is free of charge.
The Republic of Korea recognized the independence of the Republic of Estonia on 6 September 1991 and the two countries concluded diplomatic relations on 17 October of the same year. In January 2020 the Government of Estonia decided to open the Embassy of Estonia in Seoul.
Performers: Hyewon Chung (piano), Yena Choi (soprano), Ilana Lode (piano), EAMT Choir (conductor Hyonah Song), Ensemble Auftakt: Miina Laanesaar (violin), Soo-Young Lee (clarinet), Maila Laidna (piano)
Works by Tormis, Kõrvits, Chin, Uusberg, Mägi, Jin jt
The concert is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and Estonia
Tickets are available at Fienta.
The concert is in hybrid format and can be attended virtually on the Youtube channel of the Estonian Music and Theatre Academy here.
Veljo Tormis (1930–2017)
Prelüüd ja fuuga nr. 3 D-duur / Prelude and Fugue No. 3 D major
Tõnu Kõrvits (1969*)
Kolm pala / Three pieces
- „Harmooniad“ / „Harmonies“
- „Mehaanika“ / „Mechanics“
- „Armastuslaul“ / „Lovesong“
Hyewon Chung (klaver / piano)
Mihkel Lüdig (1880–1958)
„Lapsepõlves“ / „In the Childhood“ (tekst / text: Ado Reinvald)
Hyo Gun Kym 첫사랑 (1960*)
„Esimene armastus“ / „First Love“
Yena Choi (sopran / soprano)
Hyewon Chung (klaver / piano)
Unsuk Chin (1961*)
Etüüdid / Etudes:
Nr. 5 „Tokaata“ / No. 5 „Toccata“
Nr. 6 „Terad“ / No. 6 „Grains“
Ilana Lode (klaver / piano)
Pärt Uusberg (1986*)
„Peegeldusi Sulupere sillalt“ / „Reflections on Bridge of Sulupere“
Ensemble Auftakt:
Miina Laanesaar (viiul / violin)
Soo-Young Lee (klarnet / clarinet)
Maila Laidna (klaver / piano)
Ester Mägi (1922–2021)
„Igav liiv“ / „Dreary Sand“ (tekst / text: Debora Vaarandi)
Hanseo Jin (1980*)
Uus Arirang (Korea rahvalaul) / New Arirang (Korean folk song)
Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia koor / Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Choir
Dirigent / conductor Hyonah Song
Only people who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course, have recovered from COVID-19 disease or present a negative test result can take part in the event. When organizing events, we keep in mind the current rules and restrictions.
Organisers of the event: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian Institute and Ministry of Foreign Affairs