May 20–22, 2024
A202 (Herz Room)
Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Heinemann (Dresden)
Monday, May 20
1. Richard Strauss – an overview of his life. Symphonic poems, songs, operas Salome (1905), Elektra (1909), Der Rosenkavalier (1911). Strauss’s attitude to World War I during and after the war. His ‘new music’ (songs of Ophelia, opera (‘bourgeois comedy’) Intermezzo 1924). Strauss’s very ambivalent role in the Third Reich. His late works (especially the last songs – the swan song of German Romanticism).
2. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, libretto of Der Rosenkavalier. Strauss–Hofmannsthal correspondence.
Tuesday, May 21
Analysis of each act of the 3-act production of Der Rosenkavalier, including a musical-dramaturgical analysis of one of the scenes and a stage interpretation by Joachim Herz (1985).
12.30–14.00 Act 1
14.30–16.00 Act 2
16.15–17.45 Act 3
Wednesday, May 22
10.45–12.15 Consultations (optional)