The scholarship audition for the foreign students for the academic year 2021-2022 will take place on 4 October @10.00 in the Chamber hall C-405
Following scholarships are available:
1) EAMT scholarships for non-EU students at BA and MA levels covering either 50% or 25% of the tuition fee
2) 4 DoRa Plus programme scholarships for all foreign students at MA level awarded for one academic year (350€ per month paid from September to June)
- BA and MA students, who are non-EU citizens
– students who were admitted for the academic year 2021-2022: entrance examination result at least 9 at BA and MA level
– students who were admitted earlier: last examination result in main study at least B /”very good”
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS for DoRa Plus scholarships:
- MA 1st year students:
– who is a full-time student;
– who does not have Estonian citizenship;
– whose place of residence is not in Estonia;
– who does not have a permanent right of residence or a long-term residence permit in Estonia;
– who has not stayed in Estonia for more than one year in the past three years;
– had the entrance examination result at least 9.
- MA 2nd year students:
– who is a full-time student;
– who does not have Estonian citizenship;
– whose place of residence is not in Estonia;
– who does not have a permanent right of residence or a long-term residence permit in Estonia;
– who has not stayed in Estonia for more than one year in the past three years;
– who has completed the 1st year coursework full (no missing credit points), in programme subjects worth at least 54 ECTS credits and with the examination result in main study at least B/”very good”.
- Performers: live performance of at least 2 pieces with the max length of 15 min (the judging panel has the right to interrupt the performance at its own discretion);
- Contemporary Improvisation: 2-3 improvisations in different characters out of which 1 solo and the other(s) in an ensemble (duo, trio etc) with the total length of 10 min.
- Other majors: artistic portfolio, including list of artistic activities within last 2 years, scores, recordings etc.
- Cultural management: portfolio including the essay for admission and CV.
The audition panel evaluates and considers the following:
- persuasiveness and originality of artistic and/or research ideas of a candidate;
- performance logic and fluency of performance, ability to express the emotional content of works and impressiveness of interpretation (in case of performers);
- originality, artistic persuasiveness and technical execution in case of creative submissions (composers);
- specialty-specific level of technical mastery;
- defined focus and systematic nature of the thesis plan, the reference literature use as well as accuracy of language (in cultural management);
- general cultural and subject-specific knowledge of a candidate.
Applications should be submitted here by 27 September latest.