THE COUNCIL is the management body of the Academy which shall be responsible for the long-term and sustainable development of the Academy as well as for making important economic, financial and assets-related decisions, ensuring the achievement of the objectives of the Academy.
Ordinary meetings of the Council shall be held at least four times a year on the basis of a schedule approved by the Council.
The Council shall:
- adopt the statutes of the Academy;
- adopt the development plan of the Academy;
- adopt the budget of the Academy and the implementation report thereof, the financial plan and annual report;
- on the proposal of the Rector, decide on the acquisition and transfer of immovable property and the encumbrance thereof with a restricted real right and obtaining loans to the Academy;
- on the proposal of the Rector, decide on the principles for the establishment and participation of legal persons;
- in accordance with these Statutes, set the date for the election of the Rector and form an election committee;
- appoint an external auditor;
- appoint the members of the audit committee;
- organise internal auditing if necessary;
- perform other functions assigned to it by law or these Statutes.
The Council shall be formed in accordance with the procedure provided by the Academy Act.
The members of the Council: |
Helin Kapten |
Arete Kerge |
Rein Oja |
Anu Tali |
Erkki-Sven Tüür |
Lenno Uusküla |
Allan Vurma |
The members of the Council have been appointed by regulation of the Government of the Republic of Estonia on 19 December 2024 (entry into force 01.01.2025):