Category: Drama news (Lavakunst)
The conference „Performativity and Transgression“ takes place October 13–15, 2022 at the University of Tartu, it is organized by University of Tartu, the Institute of Cultural Studies, together with the Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars (ANTS) and the Union of Estonian Theatre Researchers and Critics (ETUKÜ).
The keynote speakers of the conference are Ene-Liis Semper (Estonia) and Ida Müller and Vegard Vinge (Germany/Norway).
Presentations will also be given by researchers, teachers and doctoral students of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre:
- Madli Pesti „The Reception of Transgressive Performances. The Case of NO99“
- Ana Falcon „How a Performance Led to a Latnix Community Organisation in Estonia“
- Luule Epner „Transgressive Collaborations: The Case of Von Krahl Theatre“
- Tiit Ojasoo „Who Can Cross the Border?“
- Jüri Nael „Transformative Learning Through Transgressive Performer Training Pedagogy in the Context of Higher Education“
- Eva-Liisa Linder „Outsiders or Innovators? The Untold Story of Queer Theatre in Estonia“
- Kristel Pappel „Law and Order in Estonian Musical Theatre“
- Karl Saks „Sound Art and Performativity in Johhan Rosenberg „traps““
Registration to participate is open here until October 7 (participation fee is 20 euros).
For the full programme and further information, see the conference’s website
On 5–7 May 2022, the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA) is hosting an international conference on “Artistic Research: Various Fields, Approaches, Experiences”. Participants of the conference are artists and researchers from the fields of music, visual art, design, cinema, theatre, contemporary dance, and choreography, from 25 countries, both EU Member States and the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Mexico, India and China.
The conference will be attended by two participants from EAMT:
Madli Pesti, a senior researcher and coordinator of doctoral studies in theatre arts at EAMT will be introducing artistic research studies at EAMT and more broadly the development of artistic research in Estonia, with a focus on the The Estonian Artistic Research Framework Agreement signed by the rectors of EAMT, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School in 2021.
Vittoria Ecclesia, a clarinettist and a PhD student at EAMT will be introducing her research work in the presentation “Art and Rigor: Designing Experimenting Processes for Artistic Research”.
The conference will take place in a hybrid format – in person at the Latvian Academy of Music and online on the ZOOM platform.
Furher information on the JVLMA website