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In autumn 2022, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre launched its first Erasmus+ BIP project as a leading partner. The project week in Tallinn will culminate on April 21 with a concert at the EAMT festival COMMUTE.

The BIP project, „Monteverdi Mosaik“, brings together students from various European music universities, including the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, the Norwegian Academy of Music, the Latvian Academy of Music, the Conservatory of Venice, and the Rovigo Conservatory, as well as EAMT students of early music performance and composition.

The project also features the Italian contemporary music ensemble Azione_Improvvisa, consisting of Margherita Berlanda (accordion), Pierpaolo Dinapoli (electric guitar), Daniela Fantechi (electronics), and Andrea Antonel (theorbo). The ensemble will perform the works of young composers created within the project, alongside the works of the composer Claudio Monteverdi, which inspired the project.

The resulting concert, „Magus piin / Sweet torture“, weaves together new compositions and early baroque music, with young musicians performing Monteverdi’s works and Azione_Improvvisa performing the new compositions.

Throughout the project, students have attended online meetings and lectures, and in mid-April 2023, they will come together for a project week in Tallinn. Einike Leppik, supervisor of audiovisual composition at EMTA, manages the project’s content side, with support from members of Azione_Improvvisa and faculty members from participating higher education institutions. Mari Köhler administers the project on behalf of the International Office of EAMT.

The Erasmus+ 2021–2027 program period offers many new opportunities for cooperation with partner schools across Europe. Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are short and intensive programs between partner universities in different countries, involving both virtual and on-site teaching. The program culminates in a project week in one of the participating school’s countries, with a minimum on-site duration of five days and online study both before and after the contact study.

For more information, visit

Estonian universities celebrate World Sleep Day on Friday, March 17, combining creativity and research to raise awareness related to sleep.

Sleep week at the Estonian universities is a collaborative initiative by the psychologists working at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EMTA), Tartu University, TTK University of Applied Sciences and from the mental health website (Head Matters). Estonian University of Life Sciences has also joined the sleep week activities. The main objective of the week is to promote sleep hygiene tips among the students and staff. Concrete tips for keeping regular sleep and good sleep hygiene will be shared via web-site, Instagram and Facebook. Several articles will be published and online-seminars will be held by the psychologists.

What is special about the sleep week in Estonia? Campaign has been launched to find new sleep songs. 31 songs have arrived, which will be played in the evenings via Instagram Live (look for As a follow-up, sleep songs will be broadcasted via Classical radio show “Fantaasia” on March 31.

This year cooperation with the Estonian Public Broadcasting’s radio channel for classical music (Klassikaraadio) has been enhanced. Each evening of the week at midnight a short sleep routine practice will be guided (in Estonian) to promote regular sleep and create a peaceful environment.

Test your sleep habits here (in Estonian)

On Instagram, emta_psychologist shares daily recommendations and research results to motivate you to make small changes in your sleep habits.


World Sleep Day is an opportunity to promote sleep health alongside thousands of other sleep health professionals and advocates. The theme for this World Sleep Day is Sleep is Essential for Health. Just like eating well and exercising, sleep is a behavior that is foundational to one’s physical, mental, and social well-being.

Elina Kivinukk
EMTA psychologist

Students of The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre can apply again for the EAMT Competition for Student Projects with their team. The aim of ​​the competition is to encourage EAMT students to experiment with their business ideas, to develop them in the special pre-incubation program STARTERtallinn in a collaboration between Tallinn universities and to implement these ideas.

In the first stage of the competition you must submit the description of your idea and your team by 14 February (12:00) by e-mail

Preliminary project plan has to include:

the title and purpose of the project;
summary, target group, preliminary budget;
expected outcomes of the project;
responsible organiser of the project, team and potential partners;
contact datas (e-mail, phone, account no)

The Competition Committee will prefer sustainable creative projects and business ideas with specific output. Students of all levels (BA, MA, and Doctoral degree) are welcome to submit their ideas to the competition.

The EAMT jury (chaired by Vice-Rector for Artistic Affairs and International Relations, Prof. Henry-David Varema) selects the most promising ideas, and the teams of these ideas can participate in the free 3-month creative entrepreneurship business idea development program STRATERtallinn from 20 February 2023.

Projects that have passed the development program will be evaluated by the EAMT jury again at the end of May and will award up to three scholarships. Prize fund is 800 €.

Competition Committee selects winners according to the terms and conditions of the competition. The selected projects have to be implemented during one calendar year after the competition; the projects have to be publicly introduced as being held under the aegis of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

Marko Lõhmus

Now is the right time to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship for exchange studies in the academic year 2023/2024!

The EAMT internal scholarship round ends on February 10th.

Currently, nearly 30 EAMT students are on long-term mobility, including students who have just graduated from the academy and are participating in the internship programme. Exchange studies have taken EAMT students to Reykjavík, Glasgow, Cologne and Barcelona. This year’s popular destinations are Stockholm Royal College of Music in Sweden, Graz University of Arts in Austria, Antwerp Royal Conservatory in Belgium and the Sibelius Academy of the Helsinki University of the Arts in Finland. Within the framework of the new Erasmus programme, several new opportunities for studies abroad have been introduced – blended mobility, short-term blended intensive programmes, short-term mobilities for PhD students. More flexible possibilities within the Nordplus programme start with week-long study mobility to participate, for example, in master classes and projects at partner universities, but longer periods from one month to the entire academic year are also possible. If you want to study abroad as an EAMT scholarship holder next year, please fill out the scholarship application for Erasmus+ exchange studies on the EAMT website.

NB! Several popular partner schools are waiting for student applications already at the end of February.

Applications for ERASMUS+ internships or Nordplus short-term study mobilities can be submitted to EAMT’s International Relations department on an ongoing basis.

More information about internships and exchange studies can be obtained from:
Mari Köhler
+372 6675760 (EU Erasmus studies and traineeships)

Hanneleen Pihlak
+372 6675779 (Nordplus, Erasmus global study mobility)

We encourage all students to go abroad for one or two semesters!

Cultural Management MA program is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to move forward as culture management professionals in a rapidly changing world.

Our admission starts on 15 January via DreamApply and is opened until 2 June 2023.

More info about our Cultural Management program and admission requirements can be found here:

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre’s Composition and Music Technology curriculum is organizing the first composition competition EMTAHK (Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia Heliloomingu Konkurss), in which all students of EAMT can participate.

Works of 7–10 minutes in length, written for mezzo-soprano, piano and percussion, are expected for the competition.

To participate, please send the score and parts of the work to the address no later than March 22, 2023.

Jury: Toivo Tulev, Helena Tulve, Tõnu Kõrvits, Rene Eespere, Talvi Hunt, Iris Oja, Vambola Krigul.

Winning composers will be awarded the following awards: 1st Prize: certificate of recognition and 400 €, 2nd Prize: certificate of recognition and 200 €, 3rd Prize: certificate of recognition and 100 €, 4th Prize: certificate of recognition.

The winning works will be performed and recorded by an ensemble of Talvi Hunt, Iris Oja, Vambola Krigul and the concert will take place on May 12, 2023 in the Great Hall of EAMT.


1. The competition is open to all Bachelor and Master students at EAMT.
2. Composers may submit one ORIGINAL composition, meaning that the piece must not have been previously published, performed, recorded, or broadcasted and a short biography.
3. The composition must be composed for the indicated ensemble (mezzo-soprano, piano and percussion)
4. The duration of the piece should not exceed 10 minutes or be less than 7 minutes.
5. The registration deadline is on Monday, March 6, 2023, 11:59 PM. The scores must be sent before the deadline to: . Works that are sent after the deadline will be disqualified.
6. The composer’s name does not appear on the score or parts. The scores will be anonymous for the jury.
7. Four pieces will be selected by the jury (Toivo Tulev, Helena Tulve, Tõnu Kõrvits, Rene Eespere, Talvi Hunt, Iris Oja and Vambola Krigul). The results will be announced on EAMT’s website.
8. The chosen works will be performed by the mentioned ensemble and recorded during the concert on May 12, 2023. A copy of the recording will be provided to the selected composers. The four winning pieces will be published in the EAMT’s YouTube channel.
9. Winning composers will be awarded the following awards:
1st Prize: certificate of recognition and 400 €
2nd Prize: certificate of recognition and 200 €
3rd Prize: certificate of recognition and 100 €
4th Prize: certificate of recognition

Kristiina Are will defend her doctoral thesis on 17 December at 11.00 room A-402 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Music): „Dünaamika kujundamise võimalused basso continuo saates“ (“Possibilities of Textural Dynamics in Basso Continuo Accompaniment”).

Supervisor: Professor Kristel Pappel, PhD (EMTA)
Opponent: Mart Jaanson, PhD (EELK)

The doctoral thesis is available here (in Estonian) and in print in the EAMT library.

The thesis Possibilities of Textural Dynamics in Basso Continuo Accompaniment
explores the features of harpsichord dynamics and the harpsichord technique’s response
to musical texture, more specifically what are the options for creating a dynamic
harpsichord responsive texture in basso continuo accompaniment. The object of the
analysis is Johann Sebastian Bach’s trio sonata in C minor from Musikalisches Opfer/
Musical Offering BWV 1079. This research is a part of artistic doctoral studies.

Basso continuo or thoroughbass designates an accompaniment style that was used
during the Baroque era. It involves a figured or unfigured bassline, a continuopart,
played by at least two instruments. A continuo group consists of melodic bass
instrument(s) (viola da gamba, cello, doublebass, bassoon) and harmonic bass
instrument(s) (harpsichord, organ, lute, harp). The melodic bass instrument plays only
a bass melody; the harmonic instrument adds a chordal accompaniment realized
according to the figures noted above or under the bassline.

On November 9–11, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre will be hosting the annual meeting of the Norteas network of Nordic and Baltic performing arts institutions of higher education. During the three-day programme, Norteas activities in the previous and upcoming year will be reviewed, members will be sharing recent developments in their institutions and planning future collaborations. Guests will be visiting the Drama Department of EAMT and the main building, getting a look into both the study programmes at the drama department and the international Contemporary Physical Performance Making master’s programme.

The meeting is attended by more than 30 participants (including online participants) from schools all over the Nordic-Baltic region: the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki, Norwegian Theatre Academy, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Tampere University, Viljandi Culture Academy of Tartu University, Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg, Oslo Academy of the Arts, Iceland University of the Arts, Malmö Theater Academy of Lund University, Latvian Academy of Culture, Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

The aim of the Norteas network is to develop international cooperation and create opportunities of international mobility for students and teachers. Norteas is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ programme Nordplus. EAMT has been a member of Norteas since 2008.

The annual meeting of the network takes place every year in a different member school. The meeting of 2022 is hosted by EAMT in collaboration with the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki.

Further info:



The celebration of the School Music Day dedicated to Heino Kaljuste will be held on November 15 in collaboration with the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre music pedagogy and the choir conducting class of the Tallinn Ballet and Music School (MUBA).

As part of the School Music Day, EAMT students can learn about the work of MUBA choirs and visit different classes. The day ends with a discussion about Heino Kaljuste’s contribution to the development of Estonian school and choral music and today’s challenges in teaching music.


8.30-9.30 – toddler choir (II-III class, girls and boys), conductors Jaanika Kuusik, Külli Kiivet
9.40-10.25 – II class solfeggio
10.35-11.20 – I class choir, conductor Jaanika Kuusik or VII klassi solfedžo (please choose)
11.30-12.15 – Janne Fridolin’s, Ingrid Kõrvits’ conducting class (hour is divided into half a’ 20 min)
12.30 – a tour of MUBA and discussion “Heino Kaljuste and our time”

Registration is open until November 14, please contact Kristi Kiilu (