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This Saturday, March 12 at 14:00, in EAMT Suur Saal Revelia String Ensemble will premiere seven compositions by seven composers who are EAMT students or alumni.

This is a project that brings together the efforts of several EAMT departments and specialties. The composition department, the performance department, and the cultural management department are one of the departments involved in this project. With this initiative, we will be able to show how many excellent professionals have grown up and keep on growing within the academy’s walls.

The interview with the composer and conductor Eladio Aguilar is below.

Tell us about your musical background.

I’m from Spain, particularly the Canary Islands, La Gomera. It’s a little island off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. As a response, getting started in the musical industry might be challenging. But I began in my village’s children’s choir and then continued with the trumpet in my village’s music wind orchestra. As a result, I made the decision to pursue music professionally. So I came to Tenerife to pursue a career as a trumpet player, and after several years of working on projects, performing concerts, and even working in restaurants, I chose to relocate myself to Estonia to pursue a degree in composition and orchestra conducting.

How did the idea for a string orchestra concert at EMTA hall come to you? 

This idea came to me after I arranged a concert in Tenerife and  La Gomera, in the Canary Islands last year. There, I formed a string group (orchestra). Otto Ivari, a friend of mine, was one of the composers. I requested him to play some of his music for me. As a result, I performed at the concerts. When I returned to talk with Otto and Malle Maltis, the professor of visual composition at EMTA, we came up with the concept of doing something similar at EMTA. So, we began by the idea of simply playing music, and then we simply came up with the concept of presenting new music.

What is the main idea behind this event? 

Well, the basic premise has altered because it was originally simply an idea to get together with some friends and make some music. However, it has evolved into a serious and essential project since we are now allowing student composers to present their work, which I believe is significant because this is a project that is not coordinated by the university. It is run entirely by and for students. Of course, we have the institution’s cooperation; otherwise, it would not be possible. However, the core notion, or basic idea, is to demonstrate that students are professionals who can provide an excellent and interesting high-level musical production.

Who are the players? 

This would not be feasible without the participation of players, composers, and management students. Basically, the composition department supports all of the composers, and the performance department prepares and assists the players in playing this music, as well as supporting them to participate in such a project, and the event and cultural management department supports us with all of the management that is required in this type of project.

What should the audience expect from the RSE showcase? 

First and foremost, live music is always superior to simply putting on headphones and listening to the feeling of being in a concert hall or even a venue other than a concert hall, such as Play Square.

People should expect to hear incredible new music that has never been performed before, and who knows, maybe one of those pieces or one of these composers may become famous in the future, and people will be able to say, “I was there at the premiere concert.”

Basically, I hope that people will have a great time listening to new music in a live performance, not through headphones, and that they will not only listen to the music but also look at the musicians and share all of the feelings that are there during the concert.

What are your musical ambitions for the future? 

My ambitions as a musician are to continue my education. And learning and gaining enough expertise to offer high-level music projects, music events, and music concerts is one of my life goals. In addition, I would like to devote my professional life to conducting and composing. So, as a conductor and composer, I’d love to be able to make enough money to support myself and my family. And this may be a fantastic project in my life, and I’m taking the first step toward achieving my aim.

The duration of the repertoire is 1 hour to 1:15 hours.

The event is supported by Stanford Music, AS Prike, Taali Mesila OÜ,Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, AS Bambona.

More information about the event here.

Author: Tanya Korenik, EAMT student

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is shocked by the events that are currently taking place in Ukraine in connection with the Russian aggression. In this regard, we have provided support and psychological counseling to Ukrainian students studying at the Academy.

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is ready to offer opportunities to continue studies to Ukrainians who have arrived in Estonia as refugees and for whom it has become impossible to continue their studies at home. Our initial ability would be to offer study opportunities in English language curricula or, in the case of in-depth study of the Estonian language, in Estonian language curricula.

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre will make every effort to contribute to assisting students from Ukraine in accordance with the guidelines of the Republic of Estonia and the European Union on admitting Ukrainian refugees and offering them social guarantees and study opportunities. The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Research and other Estonian universities in this regard.

Studying at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre: We are ready to review the previous study experience of the Ukrainian citizens who have started their studies in Ukraine and to assess their compliance with our curricula so that they can continue their studies here. Matriculation would exceptionally take place on the basis of VÕTA (RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING).

Study Programmes: The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre offers the opportunity to study in the following English language curricula: Classical Music Performance, Jazz Music, Composition and Music Technology. More information: Departments and majors

What you need for admission: Please try to bring all your study documents with you to Estonia (including an extract from your current studies, if possible)

Learn more here.

Scholarship opportunities

Additional information for citizens of Ukraine:
Tiina Uibo
International Students Advisor
+372 6675 722

Psychological assistance is provided by EAMT psychologist Elina Kivinukk:

Additional information on the security situation and opportunities to assist Ukraine:

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is expressing support for Ukraine by organizing a charity concert on Sunday, 6 March at 12:00 in the Great Hall of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

The Rector of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre professor Ivari Ilja will welcome Liina Kersna, Minister of Education and Research of Estonia and Kristin Pintson, student of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and Vice Chairperson of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions as guest speakers.

Works by Ukrainian and Estonian authors will be performed by the EAMT Choir and Chamber Orchestra, conducted by professor Hirvo Surva and students Ode Pürg and Valle-Rasmus Roots, Oksana Lohinova (piano), Georg Maaten (violin), Elena Bražnik (soprano, Estonian National Opera), Erki Pärnoja (electric guitar), poetess Katya Novak-Botnar, actors of the Russian Theater Aleksandr Zhilenko, Dmitry Kosjakov, Anna Sergeyeva-Marvina, Viktor Marvin, Natalia Murina, Anastassia Tsubina-Alexeyeva, Ivan Alexeyev, EAMT drama faculty professor Lembit Peterson, Indrek Sammul, Külli Teetamm, and students of the 30th class of the drama department. The concert will be directed by Marta Aliide Jakovski, a student of the department of drama.

“With our concert, we want to support Ukraine and the Ukrainians who are fighting for their freedom and a dignified future for the whole of Europe at the cost of extreme suffering and trials. Today, it is the duty of every person with a conscience to help and support them,” says Ivari Ilja, Rector of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

The Foundation of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater will donate the ticket revenue to support the people of Ukraine with the help of the Estonian Red Cross. It will also be possible to donate money to the Estonian Refugee Council to help Ukrainian refugees via donation telephones and on-site.

Tickets are available through the Fienta booking system and one hour before the start on site.

The charity concert can also be watched live on the ERR cultural portal and the EAMT YouTube channel. Those who are not able to attend the concert, but want to support Ukraine, can buy a donation ticket in Fienta here (the ticket does not guarantee admission to the concert hall). Watching the broadcast is free for everyone.

March 3 at 15:00–20:00 in the EAMT Camber Hall will take place a lecture and master class of Prof. Em. Erik T. Tawaststjerna (piano, Sibelius Academy – University of the Arts Helsinki).

In his lecture “Jean Sibelius – composer of orchestral and piano music” professor Tawaststjerna will tell about Sibelius’s life, its historical context, and the composer’s stylistic development. Each of the symphonies and the violin concerto will be discussed, and recorded excerpts from these works will be played. Parallel to this presentation, the most important piano works of Sibelius will be introduced with the help of recordings or at the piano. This way the listener will be offered a broad view of Sibelius’s life and his major orchestral and piano works.

More information: prof. Marje Lohuaru


Estonian universities consider Russia’s aggression unjustified and condemn the military attack on an independent state. As a result, universities have decided to halt cooperation with institutions of higher education and research organizations in Russia and Belarus. “Academic communities around the world, including Russia and Belarus, have a moral responsibility to stand up for peace, academic and democratic values,” explained Mart Kalm, Chairman of Universities Estonia.

“We see and acknowledge the many Russian scientists and scientific journalists who have spoken out against the war started by Russia in the heart of Europe. We regret that universities and research organisations of Russia and Belarus are silent on this issue. We need every channel to stop the war in Ukraine and universities, given their social weight, must also contribute.”

Rectors of Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology, University of Tartu, Estonian Business School.

Additional information:
Mart Kalm, Chairman of Universities Estonia, +372 513 6274
Maarja Murumägi, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Estonian Business School, +372 520 1323

Applications for the MA in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM) of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre can be submitted until 1 March.

We have received applications from 18 countries, so we can say already that the next CPPM group will be truly international with people from all over the world and very different cultural and professional backgrounds.

Please find more information about the curriculum and admission requirements:

Due to the current pandemic situation that makes travelling very difficult, we had to make some decisions regarding our live audition schedule.

The new schedule for LIVE auditions is:

7-9 March TALLINN
10-12 March TALLINN
14-16 March BERLIN
23-25 March LONDON

New schedule for ONLINE auditions:

18-20 March
26-28 March
1-3 April

We no longer hold live auditions in Milan, Melbourne and Seoul.

For more information please turn to:

Welcome to the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre!

After the one-year corona break, students of The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre can apply again for the EAMT Competition for Student Projects with their team.

The aim of ​​the competition is to encourage EAMT students to experiment with their business ideas, to develop them in the special pre-incubation program STARTERtallinn in a collaboration between Tallinn universities and to implement these ideas.

In the first stage of the competition you must submit the description of your idea and your team by Friday, 11 February (12:00) by e-mail

The jury will assess the submitted ideas and the most potential ones will have the opportunity to participate in the free STARTERtallinn development program worth € 5,000 from 14 February. In May it will be possible to give an overview of the development of the projects again and the EAMT will award up to 3 financial prizes to the best business ideas developed. The total size of the bonus fund is 800 €.

Please find more information here or contact Marko Lõhmus, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Management (


Admission is opened for MA in Contemporary Performance and Composition (CoPeCo), the application deadline is 31 January 2022.

CoPeCo is a two-year joint master’s programme in contemporary performance and composition, offering the students an open platform for experimental artistic practice within a European setting.

The programme aims to create a dynamic environment that supports and promotes contemporary musical expression in all aspects, including creation, production, performance and the relationship between musicians and society. The programme achieves this by establishing a joint platform, where composers and performers can begin new artistic collaborations, interact with artists from other disciplines, work with live electronics and develop their improvisational skills.

The consortium includes the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse in Lyon and the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre.

CoPeCo programme co-director is Taavi Kerikmäe, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Music.

More info:

The competition will take place from 26 March to 2 April 2022 in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

For pianists competition will be held in three stages:

– 1st and 2nd round will take place in the Great Hall of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
– the final round will take place with The Kaunas Symphony Orchestra in Kaunas State Philharmonic

For chamber ensembles competition will be held in two stages:

– the 1st round will take place in The Chamber Hall of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
– the final round will take place in The Great Hall of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

The competition is open to pianists of all nationalities who were born in or after 1 January 1992, and to chamber ensembles whose all members’ average age is less than 35 years.

The registration to the competition is open until 31 January 2022.

International Jury:
Piano: Kevin Kenner (USA) – Chairman, Cezary Sanecki (Poland), Ewa Kupiec (Germany), Jurgis Karnavičius (Lithuania), Zbignevas Ibelgauptas (Lithuania), Toms Ostrovskis (Latvia), Mihkel Poll (Estonia).
Chamber music: Avedis Kouyoumdjian (Austria) – Chairman, Rimantas Armonas (Lithuania), Petras Kunca (Lithuania), Grzegorz Kurzynski (Poland), Marje Lohuaru (Estonia), Arigo Štrals (Latvia), Audronė Vainiūnaitė (Lithuania).

Learn more:

The Yamaha scholarship competition 2022, open to all full time woodwind students of the EAMT, will take place on Wednesday, 23 February at 10.00 in the Chamber hall of EAMT. One scholarship of 1000€ will be awarded.

The programme is following:


  • J.S. Bach – Partita A Minor BWV 1013, I Allemande & II Courante
  • W.A. Mozart – Concerto G Major K313, I mvt with cadenza or Concerto D Major K314, I mvt with cadenza


  • J.S. Bach – Partita BWV 1013, I Allemande & II Courante (transcription for oboe)
  • W.A. Mozart – Concerto C Major K314 I mvt with cadenza


  • J.S. Bach – Partita BWV 1013, I Allemande ja II Courante (transcription for clarinet)
  • W.A. Mozart – Concerto A Major K622, I mvt


  • J.S. Bach – Partita BWV 1013, I Allemande & II Courante (transcription for bassoon)
  • W.A. Mozart – Concerto B-flat Major, I mvt with cadenza


  • J.S. Bach – Partita BWV 1013, I Allemande ja II Courante (transcription for saxophone)
  • A. Glazunov – Concerto op 109, from the beginning till the end of the cadenza

In order to participate, please sign up latest by Tuesday, 15 February 2022 here.