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The interdisciplinary seminar “Opera as Imagination and Realization 3“, organised by the Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts and the musicology study area of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, takes place from 20 to 22 October. The seminar aims to bring together dramaturges, composers, directors, conductors, librettists, and singers to discuss the meaning opera and music theatre has for them, and to share their experiences. The goal of the seminar is to help young composers, librettists et al. find their path in music theatre. The first seminar took place in October 2019, the second seminar in April 2021.

The presentations and round table discussions with Uljas Pulkkis (Helsinki), Tze Yeung HoGiovanni Albini (Alessandria/Lugano), Bettina Bartz (Berlin), Linda Gabrielsen (Oslo), Matthias Hermann (Stuttgart), Liis Kolle (Frankfurt) et al. are held in English.

The seminar takes place in room A207:

20 October 14:00–18:00 and 19:00–21:00
21 October 11:00–17:00 and 18:00–19:00
22 October 11:00–15:00

Please find the programme here.

The seminar includes two opera performances:

20 October 19:00 Tze Yeung Ho, premiere of the chamber opera “Minn(i)e”

21 October 18:00 Giovanni Albini, opera for bass and piano “1982” 


The event is supported by the ASTRA project of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre EMTASTRA, 2014-2020.4.01.16-0043 (European Union, European Regional Development Fund).

To celebrate the composer’s 85th birthday, the Arvo Pärt Centre and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre are holding an international research conference dedicated to Arvo Pärt’s work and the cultural context surrounding it. The programme is curated by Toomas Siitan, professor and Head of Musicology Studies at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and member of the Artistic Advisory Board of the Arvo Pärt Centre.

The postponed conference “Arvo Pärt – texts and contexts”, taking place 15–16 October 2021 at the Arvo Pärt Centre and viewable on the web channel, aims to reinvigorate research and analysis of the composer’s work. Scholars from Europe, Australia and the US will seek new perspectives on the textual analysis of Pärt’s compositions, look into its theological and cultural contexts and explore aspects of his creative process.

The presenters include renowned researchers of Pärt’s work, authors of monographs or publications such as Peter J. Schmelz (Arizona State University, US), Peter C. Bouteneff (St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, US), Jeffers Engelhardt (Amherst College, US), Kevin C. Karnes (Emory University, USA), Leopold Brauneiss (Institute of Musicology of the University of Vienna, Austria), Andreas Waczkat (Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany), Chris May (independent researcher, Sydney, Australia) and, from Estonia, Toomas Siitan and Mart Humal (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre), Tauri Tölpt (University of Tartu, The Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church), and icon painter Deacon Nikita Andrejev (Nõmme Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist in Tallinn).

The conference is free and open to the public. The audience is welcome to participate on site or follow the live stream at the Arvo Pärt Centre’s channel, Presentations will be in English; simultaneous translation into Estonian is provided on site. Registration is required on the centre’s website.

The programme includes the concert “Missa syllabica”, performed by the ensemble Vox Clamantis and the conductor Jaan-Eik Tulve. The concert takes place on 15 October at 5.30 pm at the Arvo Pärt Centre and on the same web channel. Tickets:

The event is supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies).

Registration and programme can be found here.

Source: Arvo Pärt Centre
Photo credit: Eric Marinitsch

The conference at the Vilnius University from 13 to 14 October is dedicated to the 30-years anniversary of LITNET (Lithuanian Research and Education Network). One of the main events will be the joint concert between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania via LoLa technology.

The live-event will take place on 13 October from 14:00.

14:00–14:05 opening of the event by the head of the LITNET Board
14:05–14:15 the team leader for LoLa development introduces the technology
14:15–14:35 LoLa concert between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
14:35– … the event continues with local speakers.

Estonia will be represented at the concert by pianist-accompanist Reet Ruubel, who will be joined by students from the Latvian and Lithuanian music academies – violinist Andrejs Jegorovs in Riga and double bass players Samanta Ingatjeva and Gediminas Zamulskis in Vilnius. They will perform the “Burlesque” by Pēteris Plakidis and Giovanni Bottesini`s Variation on the theme “Ler cor piu non mi sento” and Elegy No. 1.

Live event stream

Read more: Vilnius University

Learn more about the LoLa technology HERE.

Graduate of EAMT conducting studies Ayaka Ueda was among 14 candidates who were chosen to the prestigious Tokyo International Music Competition for Conducting.

In the preselection round participated 331 candidates from 49 countries. Ayaka studied orchestral conducting in EAMT with Jüri Alperten and prof. Arvo Volmer.

Many congratulations!

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian Institute and Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will celebrate the 30th anniversary of concluding diplomatic relations between the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Korea with a concert.

On 17 October at 12 pm (noon) the Great Hall of the Estonian Music and Theatre Academy will be filled with music by Estonian and Korean composers. The concert featuring the students of the Academy plays tribute to the friendly relations of our two countries and celebrates the strengthening cultural cooperation.

Performers: Hyewon Chung (piano), Yena Choi (soprano), Ilana Lode (piano), EAMT Choir (conductor Hyonah Song), Ensemble Auftakt: Miina Laanesaar (violin), Soo-Young Lee (clarinet), Maila Laidna (piano). Works by Tormis, Kõrvits, Chin, Uusberg, Mägi, Jin jt. The programme of the concert can be found here.

The Republic of Korea recognized the independence of the Republic of Estonia on 6 September 1991 and the two countries concluded diplomatic relations on 17 October of the same year. In January 2020 the Government of Estonia decided to open the Embassy of Estonia in Seoul.

The concert is free of charge, please visit Fienta to get your free ticket. Only people who have completed a COVID-19 vaccination course, have recovered from COVID-19 disease or present a negative test result can take part in the event. When organizing events, we keep in mind the current rules and restrictions.

The concert is in hybrid format and can also be attended virtually on the Youtube channel of the Estonian Music and Theatre Academy:

Today is the birthday of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The opening ceremony of the Higher Music School took place 102 years ago on 28 September 1919 at the Estonia Concert Hall. The next day, a short notice about the event appeared in the newspaper Tallinna Teataja (photo above).

You can read more about the history of the Academy here.

Congratulations to EAMT!

Tze Yeung Ho will defend his doctoral thesis on October 23 at 11.00 in room A-402 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Music):

Phonetic Features as a Tool in Music Composition: From the Perspective of a Composer

Supervisor: Professor Emeritus Jaan Ross (EAMT)

Opponent: Prof. Dr. Matthias Hermann (Stuttgart University)

The doctoral thesis is available HERE and in print in the EAMT library.


This work is an artistic research with a focus on phenomenological approaches. The phonetic phenomena have been interpreted as theoretical tools for composers rather than close-ended conclusions of how languages and music should or do interact. The research has examined some possibilities to create or recreate speech sound materials in a musical context in the compositional processes of select works. Parameters — tone and quantity — where speech sounds meet in music and phonetic theories have been discussed.

Research aims to offer some insights in answering these two questions:

  • How can understanding the phonetic features of quantity and tones help me, the composer, in generating musical materials, creative tools or ideas?
    How can I develop tools to understand speech sounds’ influence on my creative process as a composer?

In the case of the languages the author engaged with (i.e. Scandinavian languages, Cantonese, Mandarin, Estonian and sometimes Finnish), there are two phonetic features where they often cross paths in his music: quantity and tone. The definition of these terminologies will be found in the corresponding chapters in this thesis.

In the scope of the research, seven subtopics are highlighted:

  1. Musical Interpretation of Articulative Properties in Speech;
  2. Quantity Distinction, Rhythm and Formal Construction;
  3. Pitch-Quantity Phenomenon;
  4. Relativity of Pitch in Tonal Languages and Its Impact on Song;
  5. Composing with Norwegian Pitch Accents versus Cantonese Tones;
  6. Pitch in Speech and Its Musical Representation;
  7. The Composer and the Performance of Songs Set to Texts of Tonal Languages.

The dissertation reflects on the compositional theories and practices developed in the course of the research in a broad discussion across disciplines such as general linguistics, poetics, score analysis, phenomenology and musicology.

Photo: Marije van den Berg

The scholarship audition for the foreign students for the academic year 2021-2022 will take place on 4 October @10.00 in the Chamber hall C-405

Following scholarships are available:

1) EAMT scholarships for non-EU students at BA and MA levels covering either 50% or 25% of the tuition fee

2) 4 DoRa Plus programme scholarships for all foreign students at MA level awarded for one academic year (350€ per month paid from September to June)


  • BA and MA students, who are non-EU citizens
    – students who were admitted for the academic year 2021-2022: entrance examination result at least 9 at BA and MA level
    – students who were admitted earlier: last examination result in main study at least B /”very good”

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS for DoRa Plus scholarships:

  • MA 1st year students:
    – who is a full-time student;
    – who does not have Estonian citizenship;
    – whose place of residence is not in Estonia;
    – who does not have a permanent right of residence or a long-term residence permit in Estonia;
    – who has not stayed in Estonia for more than one year in the past three years;
    – had the entrance examination result at least 9.
  • MA 2nd year students:
    – who is a full-time student;
    – who does not have Estonian citizenship;
    – whose place of residence is not in Estonia;
    – who does not have a permanent right of residence or a long-term residence permit in Estonia;
    – who has not stayed in Estonia for more than one year in the past three years;
    – who has completed the 1st year coursework full (no missing credit points), in programme subjects worth at least 54 ECTS credits and with the examination result in main study at least B/”very good”.


  • Performers: live performance of at least 2 pieces with the max length of 15 min (the judging panel has the right to interrupt the performance at its own discretion);
  • Contemporary Improvisation: 2-3 improvisations in different characters out of which 1 solo and the other(s) in an ensemble (duo, trio etc) with the total length of 10 min.
  • Other majors: artistic portfolio, including list of artistic activities within last 2 years, scores, recordings etc.
  • Cultural management: portfolio including the essay for admission and CV.

The audition panel evaluates and considers the following:

  • persuasiveness and originality of artistic and/or research ideas of a candidate;
  • performance logic and fluency of performance, ability to express the emotional content of works and impressiveness of interpretation (in case of performers);
  • originality, artistic persuasiveness and technical execution in case of creative submissions (composers);
  • specialty-specific level of technical mastery;
  • defined focus and systematic nature of the thesis plan, the reference literature use as well as accuracy of language (in cultural management);
  • general cultural and subject-specific knowledge of a candidate.


Applications should be submitted here by 27 September latest.

Dear Members of the Academy!

The new academic year will commence on 30 August. We want it to be productive, fruitful and eventful, and – what is especially important now – to keep everyone healthy and to make sure that the spread of the coronavirus would interfere with our work and learning activities as little as possible. The work organization measures below have been discussed and approved at an extended meeting of the EAMT rector’s office on 25 August by the representatives of all academic units. In developing these measures, the requirements established by the Government of the Republic of Estonia, Ministry of Education and Research as well as the results of the discussions held at the Estonian Rectors’ Council have been taken into account.

  • The rector’s office calls on all students and staff who have not yet been vaccinated against coronavirus to do so as soon as possible.
  • The staff and students of the Academy must be prepared to either submit a formal COVID vaccination certificate, proof of having previously been infected with the COVID-19 disease or a negative test result. According to the rules and restrictions currently issued by the government, the certificates will be inspected at all public events held at EAMT, i.e concerts, performances, conferences and other events for both performers and audiences. Therefore students and faculty members who are required to attend or wish to attend Academy`s public events must have a valid COVID certificate. Obtaining this certificate is the personal responsibility of an employee or student and the possible costs involved will not be compensated by the Academy. More information about the COVID certificate can be found HERE.
  • Large scale rapid testing of students and staff is not planned by the Academy, but in some cases, rapid testing may be necessary for persons who do not have a COVID certificate. The need for testing depends on the prevailing epidemiological situation in Estonia, the number of vaccinated persons at the academy, and the risk of infection in a specific situation. NB! The COVID certificate requirement for public events as described in the previous paragraph cannot be replaced by an on-the-spot rapid test.
  • As vaccination and testing do not provide complete protection against coronavirus disease it is recommended to wear a mask at the academy. Non-vaccinated employees and students are required to wear a mask (for exceptions, see below). The faculty members v the right to ask students, who do not wear a mask, for a COVID certificate.
  • Only students and employees of the Academy have the right to freely enter the study buildings of EAMT. The main door of the Academy opens with a personalized magnetic card. We ask all members of the academy to make sure that no strangers enter the study building with you. Guests of the Academy, students of pedagogical practice, continuing education students and other persons may enter the educational buildings only based on a registered permit issued by a member of the rector’s office (or the chief coordinator in case of the department of drama). All guests and continuing education students are required to submit a COVID certificate.
  • As a rule, studies will take place in the form of contact studies at the academy on-site. In coordination with the head of the speciality group, the study activities may also be carried out in the form of distance learning, if the learning outcomes do not suffer due to that.
  • There are no specific limits for the number of students in one classroom, but where possible, the principle of distancing should be followed, and, in the case of bigger study groups, larger study rooms should be preferred.
  • The faculty must ensure that all participants in the classroom must be registered by name (for example, ask students to register their name on the registration sheet, mark those students who are absent from the class, etc.). This allows us to better identify those who have been in close contact with an infected person(s).
  • It is strictly prohibited to come to the academy in the event of even the slightest suspicion of being infected with the virus. This requirement applies to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated employees and students. If symptoms of infection occur, please contact your family doctor and let yourself be tested. If the test comes back positive, then you should remain in self-isolation until your doctor declares you healthy. In case of an infection, faculty and staff members must notify the personnel manager (tel. 6675 705) and students need to contact the head of the student affairs department (, tel. 6675 711).
  • This year the rules are different for people who have been in close contact with an infected person. Unvaccinated people must remain in self-isolation for 10 days and are not allowed to enter the study building at that time. Vaccinated people or those who have recovered from the coronavirus within the last 6 months do not have to self-isolate.
  • Faculty members do not have the obligation to provide online classes or extra classes for those who have had to self-isolate.
  • If an employee of the Academy is not able to go to work due to being in self-isolation, the respective member of the rector’s office responsible for the specific administrative area must be informed with whom the possibility of working online or the grounds for absence from work is agreed upon.
  • Coming to the academy with symptoms of illness or non-compliance with the isolation obligation endangers the health and wellbeing of others and will lead to sanctions.
  • For reasons arising from the health of an employee or student of the Academy, the above requirements may allow exceptions. In case of such a problem, faculty and staff are asked to contact the manager of the respective administrative area of the rector’s office, students to contact the head of the student affairs department (, tel 6675 711). If you wish, you can also turn to the equal treatment confidant (EAMT psychologist) ( for advice. The Academy shall ensure that the health records of any employee or student are not disclosed.
  • The cafeteria is open to the faculty, staff and students of the Academy, as well as the guests who are allowed to enter the study building.
  • The library provides its services to the members of the academy as usual. Other readers can enter the library only upon prior registration and presentation of a COVID certificate.
  • The Academy considers countermeasures to the above-listed information or the spreading scientifically incompetent information as an inappropriate act for its members and contrary to academic ethics.

EAMT Rector’s Office

The album „Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre 101“, lays the foundation for a series of EAMT sound recordings, which will present both our current and future endeavours to our followers in Estonia and beyond.

Most of the musicians featured on the two discs are our students, who are performing Estonian and world classics as well as works by EAMT students. All the recordings have been made by sound engineering students and benefit from the wonderful acoustics and state-of-the-art audio equipment of the Great Hall, which was inaugurated for the centenary year of EAMT.

The album can be purchased for 15 euros. Please contact EAMT Research Secretary:
Liina Jääts
+372 6675 808