Contemporary Performance and Composition

CoPeCo is a two-year joint master’s programme in contemporary performance and composition, offering the students an open platform for experimental artistic practice within a European setting.

The programme aims to create a dynamic environment that supports and promotes contemporary musical expression in all aspects, including creation, production, performance and the relationship between musicians and society.

The programme achieves this by establishing a joint platform, where composers and performers can begin new artistic collaborations, interact with artists from other disciplines, work with live electronics and develop their improvisational skills.

The programme consortium includes the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse in Lyon and the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre.

More info about the programme:

Contemporary music-specific playing techniques and repertoire are also taught in several subjects to students of other curricula of the academy. This includes opportunities to participate in various contemporary music projects.