On 12–14 September, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre hosts the 2022 Networking Performance Art Production Workshop (NPAPW22). It is an annual workshop and gathering of an international community exploring technologies that utilise advanced networks to enable interactive arts instruction, master classes, multisite performances, and remote auditions. These technologies make it possible to connect people in different locations to collaborate in real time.
The workshop starts with an introduction to these technologies, followed by a presentation of different software solutions (such as eduMEET, JPEG XS, Jacktrip, LoLa, Sonobus, and Ultragrid) and demonstrations of existing projects.
For example, the LoLa (Low Latency) system enables musicians to make music together at the same time with people who are up to 4000 km apart, thanks to a low-latency video and audio transmission system and very quick Internet connection.
To showcase the technology, on 12 September at 7 pm a free public LoLa concert will take place in EAMT Great Hall and Vilnius Music and Theatre Academy at the same time. A classical duo will be performing: Mihkel Poll (piano) will be playing from Tallinn and Henry-David Varema (cello) from Vilnius. Musicians are playing duo repertoire while being 600 km apart from each other. The audience is very welcome to both concert halls.
NPAPW22 is jointly organised by GÉANT and Internet2 and supported by EENet (Estonian NREN) of HTM and will be hosted by and taking place at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in Tallinn, Estonia.
Registration is open (also for 1-2 days): www.npapws.org
Learn more: https://sites.google.com/eamt.ee/npapw2022
Most of the presentations will be broadcasted on EAMT YouTube channel here.
Additional information:
Ms. Steffie Bosman
Mr. Paolo Girol