4th Festival Conference of Music Performance and Artistic Research
The 1st festival conference „Doctors in Performance“ (DIP) took place in September 2014 in Helsinki and was initiated by the Sibelius Academy. Since then biennial festival conferences have been held in Dublin and Vilnius. After the festival conference in Vilnius, the Steering Committee of DIP proposed that the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre has the honour to be the organiser of the fourth DIP in September 2020. Unfortunately, we had to take the decision to postpone the event by a year due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The purpose of the festival conference „Doctors in Performance“ is to give doctoral students (music) and researchers with PhD/Doc.Mus. degrees the possibility to present their artistic research projects through performance of musical works, improvisations, and/or presentation and discussion of research topics. The following session formats will be offered: paper, recital, lecture-recital. We are eagerly awaiting the presentations of our two keynote speakers – Prof. Neil Heyde, cellist and researcher at the London Royal Academy of Music and singer and music psychologist Prof. Allan Vurma from the EAMT.
The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre has participated in DIP since the second festival-conference in Dublin.
Steering Committee of DIP: Dr. Anu Vehviläinen (Sibelius Academy / University of Arts Helsinki), Dr. Markus Kuikka (Sibelius Academy / University of Arts Helsinki), Prof. Denise Neary (Royal Irish Academy of Music), Prof. Lina Navickaite-Martinelli (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Dr. Sarah Callis (Royal Academy of Music)
Organising Committee (EAMT): Prof. Kristel Pappel, Prof. Marje Lohuaru, Prof. Allan Vurma, International Relations Coordinator Hanneleen Pihlak
You can find the abstract booklet HERE.
You can find some pictures HERE.