For the 11th time, the EAMT 3rd academic year doctoral conference (in English) will take place, this time in room D-511. On 12 March, presentations will be given by Sten Heinoja, Elo Tepp, Kadi Kaja, Marcelo Chacur Politano, Tuuri Dede and Karl Saks. Click here for the programme.
At 16:30, Senior Researcher Madli Pesti will introduce a screening of short films about artistic researchers. These films, recently produced within the framework of the Ministry of Culture’s science popularisation measure, are the result of cooperation between EAMT, EAA and BFM lecturers, doctoral students and PhD holders.
At the end of the day, renowned violinist Mieko Kanno, Professor of Artistic Research at the Sibelius Academy, will summarise the conference and share her thoughts on creative studies.
The conference is organised by 2nd year doctoral students of EAMT.