The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is a recognized research institution specializing in musicology, theatre studies, music education and cultural management. Students receive instruction from a wide variety of professional instructors, including research professors, assistants, master’s and doctoral students as well as highly respected professional musicians, composers, actors and directors. Artists can further their expertise through artistic research, in which artistic practice is the primary mode of enquiry. Topics researched in our academy are related to practices of music and theatre, with Estonian cultural studies as a major area of focus.
Read also: Research strategy of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Doctoral Study Programme „Music and Theatre“ at EAMT are presently divided between academic and artistic branches: 1. Musicology and 2. Artistic Research in Music or Theatre. Read more: Doctoral Studies
As a result of collaboration between EAMT, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, a significant document was finalised – The Estonian Artistic Research Framework Agreement, which aims to define and develop artistic research and to ensure its place in the educational landscape and in society. The framework agreement was signed by the Rectors of the three universities on June 9, 2021.
In the period 1.09.2023-31.08.2029, EAMT is a member of the Estonian Doctoral School. Estonian Doctoral School consortium is led by the University of Tartu and includes the Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Estonian Business School, Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University. EAMT is part of the Estonian Doctoral School for Humanities and Arts, with Tallinn University as lead partner.
In the years 2009-2023 EAMT belonged to the Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA), coordinating its activities in 2009-2015.