The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre stands for a safe and mutually respectful study and work environment, an important condition of which is the observance of the principle of equal treatment. The Academy protects its members in the work and study environment from discrimination on the basis of nationality (ethnicity), race, colour, religion or belief, age, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
In 2023 EAMT Gender Equality Plan was adopted recognising the gender identity of each individual in its values and activities. Gender Equality Plan 2023-2025 is available HERE.
What does equal treatment mean?
The principle of equal treatment means that there shall be no direct or indirect discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, sex, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. Unequal treatment may involve discrimination, (sexual and gender-based) harassment and bullying.
Equal treatment affects both students and staff
A safe environment at the EAMT must be ensured for both employees and students. The person conducting lessons and the head of the academic unit must ensure that each student feels safe in the lesson. In this way, learning is more beneficial and supports the holistic development. The principles of equal treatment at the EAMT that consider both employees and students have been approved by the Senate with the regulation “Equal treatment measures and complaints procedure”.
Who should report unequal treatment and how?
The Academy calls on everyone to react quickly to any discrimination, harassment, or bullying that may occur in the work and study environment and creates appropriate conditions for such a response, respecting everyone’s privacy. The Academy takes all complaints, incidents and repeated allegations of discrimination, harassment or bullying seriously and does not ignore them.
The Equal Treatment Officer of EAMT is Elina Kivinukk, the psychologist of EAMT. Meeting can be arranged by writing to For formal complaints, there is a written form (Estonian and English) available from the same e-mail address. Besides the person’s contact details, the complaint form has three questions: (a) a brief description of the actions you believe were discriminatory, harassing or bullying (event(s), dates of the events, etc.); (b) which activities have you undertaken to solve the issue (if applicable); (c) what would be the expected solution and what kind of support is anticipated from the EAMT. Supporting material (eg correspondence, etc.) may be attached to the form. It is suggested to meet and discuss the case before filing a formal complaint.
In case handling complaints by the EAMT seems to be unsatisfactory or biased, it is also possible to turn to the Commissioner for Gender Equality and Equal Treatment of the Republic of Estonia You can also read more about equal treatment and a supportive work environment on the same page.