14th international voice conference PEVoC14 (Pan-European Voice Conference) will take place from 24 to 27 August at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The event is organized by the EAMT, the East Tallinn Central Hospital and the Estonian Society of Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons.
During four days, almost 160 presentations will be given and 40 workshops will take place. The conference covers everything related to singing in many different genres, the use of voice in speech, as well as voice therapy and medicine.
Keynote speakers and special guests are Johan Sundberg, Graham Welch, Heidi Christensen, Matthias Echternach, Jenny Iwarsson, Allan Vurma, Ingo Titze, Markus Hess, Kirsten Schötteldreier, Yakubu Karagama, Teemu Kinnari, Lauri Maisvee, also Gillyanne Kayes and Lisa Popeil.
The program and registration information can be found here: https://www.pevoc2022.ee/
Participation in the conference is 25% cheaper for singers and singing teachers (for European Voice Teachers Association members). The reduced participation fee also applies to EAMT students and lecturers. To receive the discount, please contact Allan Vurma, Professor of Musicology at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, at allan.vurma@eamt.ee.