Research Projects

Ongoing Projects

Typology of the Seto Song Tunes: Development of an Electronic Resource for Academic and Applied Use (KUM-TA32), 01.01.2024-31.12.2024, principal investigator senior researcher Žanna Pärtlas. The goals of the joint project by EAMT and the Estonian Literary Museum are both scientific and applied – to identify, systematise, describe analytically and publish as an electronic resource all the types of leelo tunes using archival materials. The compilation of a tune typology is an important form of research in ethnomusicology; the publication of the research results in a handy digital format can also have an enriching effect on contemporary performance practice. Read more here.

Musical Impulse Through Movement and Music Performer ́s Self-image: Observations and Conclusions Based on a Historically Informed Performance (LUP 7-11/6243), 01.09.2023−31.12.2024, principal Investigator prof Lembit Orgse. This artistic research tries to open and explain one of the processes that takes place with the music interpreter during the performance situation: to describe and formulate the musical impulse through movement (MIM or MLI (in Estonian)). The answer to the question is sought: what are the mental and physical movements related to the performance of music, the interaction of which creates a phenomenon that we can call MLI? Read more here.

Rebirth of Cembal d’amour. Set the music of David Kellner’s compilation “XVI auserlesene Lauten-Stücke” (1747) on the basis of Kellner’s work “Treulicher Unterricht im General-Bass” (1732) (LUP 7-11/6244), 01.07.2023-31.12.2024, principal investigator prof Toomas Siitan. The study of David Kellner’s music complements the treatment of the music life of Estonian late baroque. As a result of the project, era-true versions of Kellner’s music will be completed. In the course of the artistic research, the cembal d’amour created for the Kellner family in 1721 by Silbermann is rebuilt according to the original drawings in cooperation with the instrument masters Peeter Talve and Lyndon J. Taylor (USA). The construction is based on the very precise general drawings of Johann Matteson’s time. Read more here.

Creating a new terminology base for music (TMS-2-4/2024/92), 01.07.-31.12.2024, head of the projects is Andrus Kallastu. The music terminology base to be created will encompass music in its broadest sense. The primary objective of the project is to organise the Estonian-language terminology of classical music, the language of the music terminology database is Estonian. The term base will be hosted in Ekilex, the EKI Dictionary and Termbase Management System (output Sõnaveeb). For further information on terminology work in Estonia, read more here.

Improving the intelligibility of sung text: the problems and the scientific basis (PRG1552), 01.01.2022–31.12.2026, principal investigator prof Allan Vurma. We expect vocalists to sing with intelligible text, but singers also have to obey the constraints which are dictated by the music. Thus, the methods which are used to enhance diction in speaking may not necessarily be fully applicable to singing. The standpoiherents of singers regarding how to achieve clear pronunciation are controversial, and investigations on the subject are scarce. Read more here.

Impact of subcultural (pop) music on the ideologization of 21st-century Estonian youth and on youth mental health (PSG838), 01.01.2023–31.12.2027, principal investigator Brigitta Davidjants. Music creates a sense of belonging and supports mental health among people who have the same values. The focus of the project is on the subcultural ideologization of Estonian youth in the 21st century. While the youth of the 1990s were relatively weakly ideologized, the 21st century saw the re-emergence of subcultural political identities. See further here.

E4TLI: Education For Technological Literacy And Inclusion
(KA220-HED-000087144), 01.09.2022-31.08.2025, investigators Annukka Jyrämä and Kaari Kiitsak-Prikk.
The aims of E4TLI are three-fold: to improve technological literacy among non-technologically savvy faculty members, students, mentors, university managers.
to collate practical recommendations from the implementation of the outlined projects for policy makers and companies to implement in their own professional spaces;
to disseminate knowledge on Technologies 4.0 for non-tech educational/training stakeholders. See more here.

Composition and Improvisation in the 21st Century (LUP1), 1.01.2014−…, principal investigator prof Kristel Pappel. This project combines research papers, that examine the interrelation between composition and improvisation in the 21st century and analyze or create new compositional frameworks. Read more here.

Please find detailed information on finished and current research projects in Estonian Research Portal (choose “Advanced Search” and type “Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre” in the field “Institution”).