E4TLI: Education For Technological Literacy and Inclusion

E4TLI is a cooperation project funded by the Erasmus+ programme aiming to equip partners’ faculty members, students and society at large in improving their skills and capacity in Digital transformation.

E4TLI is to bridge the divide between technologically challenged higher education stakeholders and Technologies 4.0 (Data Mining, Augmented reality, Virtual Reality, Streaming, Block Chain, Cybersecurity, Coding and software programming).

More specifically, the aims of E4TLI are three-fold:

  1. to improve technological literacy among non-technologically savvy faculty members, students, mentors, university managers.
  2. to collate practical recommendations from the implementation of the outlined projects for policy makers and companies to implement in their own professional spaces;
  3. to disseminate knowledge on Technologies 4.0 for non-tech educational/training stakeholders.

In E4TLI, EAMT will research on streaming and online education.

E4TLI partners:
Universidad Del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Instituto Politecnico Do Porto (IPP)
Universidad De Navarra. School of Architecture (ETSAUN-UNAV)
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EMTA)
Tajik State University of Commerce (TAJIK)
MBM Associates Planning and Sustaining Private Limited (MBM)

Project period: September 2022 – August 2025

Project website: e4tli7.com