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Since the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre has been actively involved in helping students who are citizens of Ukraine and has offered study opportunities to war refugees arriving from Ukraine.

During this spring and summer, we have accepted a total of 20 new Ukrainian students for various music curricula. Most of them will start their studies at EAMT at the beginning of this academic year. Thanks to the support allocated by the Ministry of Education and Research, EAMT is able to offer them free studies in 2022/23. A total of 24 Ukrainian students are currently studying at the academy.

Ukrainian students can study both in Estonian and in English curricula. EAMT offers students in-depth study of the Estonian language and the opportunity to improve their English language skills.

Students who are citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to apply for a need-based special grant. EAMT also pays incoming students a one-time financial support.

Although the regular admission for 2022 has ended, it is still possible for Ukrainian war refugees to apply for admission on the basis of VÔTA. In particular, this applies to Ukrainian students whose studies have been interrupted due to the war in their homeland. Admission to EAMT depends on the availability of free study places and study opportunities in a specific specialty.

Additional information for citizens of Ukraine:
Tiina Uibo
International Students Advisor
+372 6675 722

Psychological assistance:
Elina Kivinukk
EAMT psychologist

Additional information:

The European Union Youth Orchestra is looking for the new members!

All applicants for the 2023 Orchestra must be aged between 16 and 26 inclusive on 31 December 2022 and hold passports from one of the 27 European Union member countries. Precise rules and regulations are available here.

The auditions will take place in two rounds:

  • Pre-auditions for the strings on Wednesday, 5 October @15.00 in the Chamber hall (C-405), and for wind, brass and percussion on Sunday, 9 October @14.00 in D-511.
  • Final round on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 10.00 in D-511.

Candidates will be asked to play a prepared piece of their own choosing (eg a movement from a concerto, sonata etc) and a selection of orchestral extracts.
NB! Percussionists will be asked to play a selection of prepared orchestral extracts only (no piece).

How and when to apply
All the candidates are requested to fill in the application on the EUYO homepage latest by 27 September 2022.

The EUYO, founded in 1976, is by now one of the world’s pre-eminent symphony orchestras that has worked with many of the world’s greatest musicians including Daniel Barenboim, Leonard Bernstein, Herbert von Karajan, Mstislav Rostropovich and particularly its three Music Directors and current Chief Conductor: Founding Music Director Claudio Abbado, former Music Director Vladimir Ashkenazy, former Music Director and current Conductor Laureate Bernard Haitink, and Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko. The spring and summer tours have usually taken place and if the pandemic situation allows, will take place in 2023 in the EUYO residencies in Ferrara, Grafenegg and Bolzano followed by a concert tour.

Questions and additional info:
Kai Kiiv
6675 721


The new academic year of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre begins on 29 August.

10:00 opening meeting of the academic year for the academy faculty and staff will be held at the Great Hall.

12:00 opening ceremony for new students at the Great Hall, followed by an introductory lecture by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Research Margus Pärtlas, and Head of Registry and Student Affairs Department Jane Kreek. The lecture ends at approximately 14.00.

In addition, we are inviting all our first-year students to take part in the orientation week, which will take place from 29 August to 2 September. International students’ guideline:

The official admission period for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre concluded on 4 July. EAMT received 825 applications from student candidates, of whom 261 were offered study places.

572 applications were submitted for bachelor’s studies, including 73 for curricula in English. EAMT accepted 130 student candidates, 103 for the Estonian and 27 for English curricula.

EAMT received 231 applications for master’s studies, including 120 for curricula in English. EAMT accepted 126 student candidates, 66 for the Estonian and 60 for the English curricula.

22 applications were received for doctoral studies, 16 of them from international candidates. EAMT accepted 5 new doctoral students.

“The most popular major for bachelor’s studies was drama, where a total of 324 applications were submitted. Also directing and dramaturgy, music pedagogy and strings. For master’s studies, the number of applicants was highest in dramatic art and theatre pedagogy, instrumental pedagogy and strings,” says Margus Pärtlas, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Research, and adds: “The competition was different in different curricula, but all in all, the admission can be considered a success.”

The most popular majors for bachelor’s studies in English were composition and music technology, strings, brass and woodwind, and for master’s studies contemporary physical performance making (CPPM), contemporary performance and composition (CoPeCo) and voice.

The countries of origin of the new international students are numerous as usual. EAMT accepted students from Ukraine, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, China, South Korea, Italy, Spain, France, Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Turkey, USA, Great Britain, Mexico, Iran, Greek, Australia.

Student candidates need to announce their start of studies by 7 July.

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is announcing additional admissions for a small number of study places for the academic year 2022‒2023 in the following curricula:

  • Brass, Woodwind and Percussion (bachelor’s and master’s studies)

Applications must be submitted by 21 August through the DreamApply system. Entrance examinations will take place on 24 August. Additional information can be found on the admissions section of the EAMT homepage and via e-mail to:

In 2021, 154 applications were submitted for bachelor’s studies, 100 student candidates were accepted. 193 applications were received for master’s studies, 126 student candidates were accepted. 25 applications were received for doctoral studies, 6 doctoral students were accepted.

14th international voice conference PEVoC14 (Pan-European Voice Conference) will take place from 24 to 27 August at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The event is organized by the EAMT, the East Tallinn Central Hospital and the Estonian Society of Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons.

During four days, almost 160 presentations will be given and 40 workshops will take place. The conference covers everything related to singing in many different genres, the use of voice in speech, as well as voice therapy and medicine.

Keynote speakers and special guests are Johan Sundberg, Graham Welch, Heidi Christensen, Matthias Echternach, Jenny Iwarsson, Allan Vurma, Ingo Titze, Markus Hess, Kirsten Schötteldreier, Yakubu Karagama, Teemu Kinnari, Lauri Maisvee, also Gillyanne Kayes and Lisa Popeil.

The program and registration information can be found here:

Participation in the conference is 25% cheaper for singers and singing teachers (for European Voice Teachers Association members). The reduced participation fee also applies to EAMT students and lecturers. To receive the discount, please contact Allan Vurma, Professor of Musicology at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, at

Estonian Research Council (ETAG) funds Ukrainian researchers’ short-time study visits to Estonian universities (up to 3 months). These visits allow Ukrainian researchers to get acquainted with the research done at Estonian universities and help them improve their professional skills. ETAG also aims to foster the cooperation between Ukrainian and Estonian researchers in general. The support programme for study visits began in May and lasts until the end of 2022.

In addition to other Estonian universities, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre also offers short-time study visits.

More information:
Liina Jääts
+372 6675 808

The ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts) Leadership Symposium “Surfing Uncertainties” brings  from 8 to 10 June together leaders from higher arts education institutions and universities across the globe for a timely exchange and discussion on how the economic, social, cultural, and political changes influence different aspects of their duties and responsibilities. How do you plan the future in a situation in which the operational systems you relied on for years were turned upside down? The Symposium will hence explore the momentum of radical change and dynamic uncertainty – how it can be articulated, assessed, and assembled into a positive and powerful force.

The speakers are Kersti Kaljulaid, Aaron Dworkin, Ene-Liis Semper, Mikko Dufva, Monica L Edmondson and Harald Friedl.

See more detailed overview of the speakers as well as the programme of the Symposium at the ELIA homepage.

The ELIA Leadership Symposium 2022 is hosted by the Estonian Academy of Arts and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

On Thursday, June 16 at 7 pm, the gala of the graduates of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2022 will take place in the Great Hall of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, where the graduates of this year will perform. Tickets for 10 and 5 euros are available at Fienta and one hour before the start on site.

On Friday, June 17, we welcome our audience to XXV Suure-Jaani Music Festival, where the musicians of the EAMT will take part in one concert.
At 19.00, the EAMT Symphony Orchestra will perform in the hall of Suure-Jaani School, the soloists will be graduates of 2022, conducted by Toomas Vavilov.
Ticket information is available on the music festival website.

On Saturday, June 18, at 2 pm, the graduation ceremony of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre will take place in the Great Hall, where the graduates of 2022 and the EAMT Symphony Orchestra will perform under Toomas Vavilov. Invitations will be available for the graduates and their guests and there will be a live broadcast on the EAMT YouTube channel which can also be viewed in the black box and the chamber hall.

Madli Pesti. Foto: Siim Vahur

On 5–7 May 2022, the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA) is hosting an international conference on “Artistic Research: Various Fields, Approaches, Experiences”. Participants of the conference are artists and researchers from the fields of music, visual art, design, cinema, theatre, contemporary dance, and choreography, from 25 countries, both EU Member States and the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Mexico, India and China.

The conference will be attended by two participants from EAMT:

Madli Pesti, a senior researcher and coordinator of doctoral studies in theatre arts at EAMT will be introducing artistic research studies at EAMT and more broadly the development of artistic research in Estonia, with a focus on the The Estonian Artistic Research Framework Agreement signed by the rectors of EAMT, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School in 2021.

Vittoria Ecclesia, a clarinettist and a PhD student at EAMT will be introducing her research work in the presentation “Art and Rigor: Designing Experimenting Processes for Artistic Research”.

The conference will take place in a hybrid format – in person at the Latvian Academy of Music and online on the ZOOM platform.

Furher information on the JVLMA website

The programme of the conference

Presentation abstracts

From 2 to 3 May, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre hosts an international conference “Sustainable Development in Music Education”. The annual conference of the Association of Nordic Music Academies (ANMA) and Nordplus music networks brings together over 80 participants from nearly 30 Nordic and Baltic music academies. The participants include management representatives, international relations coordinators, teachers and students.

The programme on 2 May includes a panel discussion with Grete Arro (Tallinn University), Claus Olesen and Camilla Overgaard (Royal Academy of Music Aarhus) and Markus Utrio (University of the Arts Helsinki). The session explores different aspects of sustainability and sustainable development both in the context of global environmental issues as well as relating to how we focus on and drive development in our institutions. The discussion will be livestreamed 10.00–11.00 via

In addition, there will be presentations of innovative teaching methods and cooperation projects and group discussions. During the ANMA/Nordplusmusic day on 3 May, future cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic music academies on strategic and administrative level will be discussed.

Learn more: