Estonian Doctoral School

Estonian Doctoral School is a consortium of Estonian universities which has been established to promote the quality of doctoral studies. The aim of the Estonian Doctoral School is to support interdisciplinary and international cooperation between doctoral students, to provide them with the opportunity for self-education, to improve the quality of doctoral theses and to offer doctoral supervisors opportunities for self-development. The project leader of the Estonian Doctoral School is University of Tartu.

Besides the University of Tartu, all Estonian universities are involved as partners in the doctoral school: Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian Business School, Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University. Estonian Doctoral School organises events that are not curriculum-specific but support the achievement of the learning outcomes (e.g. thematic seminar, conference, summer or winter school, intensive course, or similar learning event) and could be of interest to all doctoral students or their supervisors. A joint doctoral school will enhance interdisciplinarity and provide doctoral candidates with more flexible options based on the specificity of their research.

Estonian Doctoral School is divided into six sections based on fields of study. The thematic focus of the activities of a section will be related to the research area of that. EAMT is part of the Estonian Doctoral School for Humanities and Arts, with Tallinn University as lead partner.

The project will be funded by the European Social Fund (ESF+) for the period from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2029. Project “Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies” (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003) is co-funded by the European Union.


Seminar „Opera as Imagination and Realisation 5. The Composer’s View“  
November 3-5, 2024; 3.11. at 18-20 in EMTA black box, 4-5.11. from 10.00 at A207.

For the fifth time, an international seminar aims to bring together composers, directors, conductors, singers, doctoral and Master’s students in order to discuss what opera/music theatre means to them. This time the topic is new works in music theatre. Read more here.

Artistic Research Seminar “How I do research”
24 April 2024, 11-14.30 at EAMT (A103)

At the seminar, doctoral students in artistic research field will discuss, in a free-form format and with the help of practical examples, the research process of their doctoral thesis. The programme and more information (in Estonian).

From 2009 to 2023, EAMT was a member of the Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA), a joint venture involving four universities (University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and Estonian Academy of Arts) and coordinated its activities from 2009 to 2015.