Mobility grant guide

Estonian Doctoral School mobility grant guide


The Doctoral School supports doctoral students’ short-term international mobility in connection with their artistic or scientific research. In particular, support is provided for presentations at professional events. The doctoral student is eligible for a doctoral school mobility grant once a year. Funding is available for travel from both Estonia and abroad.

Eligible for a grant are doctoral students who are pursuing their doctoral studies full time, including those on academic leave (but not extramural students).



  • The participation fee will be reimbursed based on expense documents. (If possible, please ask the organizer to issue an invoice to the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre).
  • The Doctoral School will not reimburse the costs of conference social events, lunches/dinners, membership fees, and excursions (except for excursions related to a research topic) that are separately mentioned in the attendance fee.
  • Travel and accommodation costs – based on the unit rates of the Doctoral School. (For a travel offer from an EMTA procurement partner, please contact the Research Secretary).
  • Daily allowance (32 eur/day)

The Doctoral School supports mobility for a reasonable duration, which can last one day before and after the event.

If a doctoral student would combine the support from the Doctoral School with another mobility grant, they should check beforehand whether the conditions of the latter grant allow this.



Grant applications are accepted on an ongoing basis (the earlier you apply, the cheaper the trip!). Please submit the following electronically to the Research Secretary:

1. Doctoral School application form (if possible, sign digitally);

2. Confirmation letter from the host institution/event organiser (e.g. confirmation of acceptance of presentation, confirmation of registration, invitation letter – possibly pdf of email correspondence). NOTE: The confirmation letter must clearly state the dates of the event and your name; in case of request for reimbursement of the participation fee, also the amount of the participation fee.



The evaluation committee (the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, the Head of the Centre for Doctoral Studies and the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies in the Theatre Department) will assess the applications on the basis of the following criteria, within one week of submission:

  • applicant must be a full time doctoral student or a doctoral student on academic leave (extramural students are not eligible)
  • applicant must not have received a mobility grant from a doctoral school in the current calendar year
  • application must be correctly prepared and the purpose of the trip, destination, and tasks must be clearly stated
  • the trip must have a strong link to the topic and contribute to completion of the doctoral work
  • duration and budget of the trip are reasonable and have been carefully considered. The application was submitted with ample time margin


REPORT (Please submit your report electronically to the Research Secretary within one week of your trip)

Basis for reimbursement:

1. Activity report on the Doctoral School form (if possible, please sign digitally).
2. Additionally, junior researchers are required to complete and sign the EAMT secondment report form. Doctoral researchers who do not have a university employment contract must fill out and sign the EAMT cost report form.
3. Please attach to the EAMT report the programme of the event and the confirmation letter from the host institution/event organiser.
4. If you paid the participation fee yourself, also attach the payment documents (invoice and payment confirmation in your name).



At the event:

When giving a presentation or poster at an event, it is mandatory to comply with the information requirements. This includes placing a logo on the opening page of the presentation or poster, as outlined in the User Guide – download the logo files (EST, ENG).

To the reports:

it is necessary to include the notification sentence The secondment or student mobility aligns with the University of Tartu project “Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies” (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003), its objectives and action plan.

Please note that failure to comply with notification requirements will render mobility costs from the doctoral school ineligible.