Estonian periodicals
- Akadeemia
- Muusika
- Teater. Muusika. Kino
- Tuna
- Vikerkaar
- Eesti Ekspress
Eesti Kirik - Eesti Päevaleht
- Postimees
- Sirp
- Õpetajate Leht
Other journals
- Ars Organi / Zeitschrift für das Orgelwesen
- British Journal of Music Education (+ online)
- Clarino / Internationale Fachzeitschrift für Bläsermusik
- Classical Guitar Magazine
- Clavier Companion
- Classica
- Das Orchester
- Early Music (+ online)
- Fontes Artis Musicae
- Gramophone / Classical Music Magazine
- Het Orgel
- Historical Performance (+ online)
- International Journal of Arts Management (since 2024 only online)
- International Journal of Cultural Policy (+ online)
- Jazzwise
- Journal of Cultural Economics (only online)
- Journal of Music Theory
- Keyboard
- Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology (only online)
- Music Analysis
- Music Perception
- Music Theory Spectrum
- Musicae Scientiae
- Musik Texte
- Nineteenth Century Music
- Opera Now
- Opernwelt
- Perspectives of New Music
- Piano Journal
- Rondo
- Sound On Sound (+ online)
- Stanislavski Studies (only online)
- The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society (only online)
- The Musical Quarterly (+online)
- The Musical Times (+ online)
- The Strad (+ online)
- The Voice and Speech Review (only online)
- The Voice and Speech Review: modern archive 2000-2006 (only online)
- The Wire
- Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (in drama school)