
The Theatre Department at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre offers an extensive curriculum in theatre and contemporary performance, equipping students with a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Our graduates have made significant contributions to both local and international theatre, finding success in various professional settings such as stage, film, television, and radio. The department’s experienced faculty includes actors, directors, choreographers, theatre and music educators, historians, and experts in other theatrical and humanitarian disciplines, providing a nurturing environment for students to hone their talents in performing arts. We offer programmes at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels.


Bachelor Studies

Our Bachelor’s programme, conducted entirely in Estonian, lays a solid foundation in psychological and contemporary theatre arts. This four-year course offers specialisations in acting, directing, or dramaturgy, with admissions available biennially.


Master Studies

Students can choose between two Master of Arts (MA) programmes.

The MA in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM) is an innovative, English-taught programme led by internationally acclaimed companies and artists. It takes students beyond traditional classroom learning, focusing on artistic development in both performance and creation. This avant-garde programme is ideal for those aiming to leave a mark on the international contemporary performance landscape. The next enrollment for the CPPM programme is in 2024, with more details available on the CPPM homepage.

Alternatively, the two-year MA in Dramatic Art and Theatre Pedagogy, taught in Estonian, deepens students’ understanding of theatre, introduces various modern methods, and equips them with the skills to become theatre pedagogues.

Doctoral Studies

Our Doctoral Studies programme, spanning four years, allows for academic or artistic research in theatre and performance. Candidates can opt to conduct their research in either Estonian or English under the auspices of the Centre of Doctoral Studies.

See also: EAMT admissions, Curricula