Erasmus+ Traineeship



Erasmus mobility for
traineeships offers EAMT students and recent graduates a traineeship opportunity in an enterprise or organisation of another European country. There are limited number of places available for Erasmus International programme which allows traineeships outside EU: Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican and additionally the following countries worldwide. If you are interested, please contact traineeship coordinator directly for further details. See the following page for more information on traineeships.

The student is responsible for finding the traineeship organisation. The host organisations may be orchestras, studios, agencies, higher education institutions etc.) that fit the student’s speciality profile.


Possible traineeship organisations

A suitable host organisation may be found via

Please keep in mind that European Union institutions, organisations managing EU programmes and national diplomatic representations of Estonia (embassies, cultural centres etc) cannot be traineeship bases.


Application process

As Erasmus+ traineeship application, please submit the filled out traineeship plan (doc) with the signature of the reciving organisation.

The applications may be submitted throughout the academic year, at the latest 2 months before the start of the traineeship. Recent graduate traineeship applications need to be submitted before graduation!

The list of EAMT partner universities is available HERE. Not all EAMT partner schools accept interns; more details can be found in the list of EAMT partner universities or by contacting the Erasmus coordinator of our partner school.

In case of a global traineeships, scholarship rates differ and it is possible to apply with certain restrictions. If you are interested, please contact traineeship coordinator directly for further details.



  • Traineeship can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months.
  • Short-term traineeship (5-30 days) is in most cases possible ONLY as a group mobility organized by the department.
  • Recent graduates traineeship must occur within one year after the graduation on the condition that the Erasmus mobility limit of 12 months has not been used fully during the most recently completed study level.
  • It’s obligatory to take the online language test in the language of instruction of  the traineeship.
  • It’s compulsory to have health, liability and accident insurance coverage for the full traineeship duration. More information is available HERE



The scholarship is meant to help you cover the expenses you will incur while abroad but will not necessarily cover all of them, so be prepared to cover a certain portion of the costs yourself. Erasmus+ programme does not grant participants with the scholarship in case of distance participation without moving to the host country. In order to grant blended mobility (virtual mobility at distance combined with physical mobility period) the period where participant is present at the host country must be at least 2 consecutive months (only the period of physical mobility will be granted).

In 2024-2025, the following European Commission scholarship rates apply to EAMT students participating in the Erasmus+ programme for internship purposes:

Countries with high cost of living Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, UK* 824 €/month (30 days)
Countries with medium cost of living Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Latvia 756 €/month (30 days)
Countries with low cost of living Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumenia, Turkey, Hungary, Serbia 700 €/month (30 days)
Erasmus International Programme* Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican 824 €/month (30 days)
Global traineeship* the following countries worldwide 700 €/month (30 days)

* limited budget

The traineeship organisation may pay a salary to the trainee.

Higher Erasmus+ grant for students with disadvantaged background

You are entitled to apply for an additional 250 euros per month if you fulfill one of the following conditions:

  • you receive needs-based study allowance (during the last semester before exchange studies or during the semester of exchange studies);
  • have under-aged children to take care of;
  • have reduced working capacity;
  • have a background growing up in a substitute home.

These documents must be submitted to the Erasmus Coordinator when signing the Erasmus grant agreement or by the deadline specified by the Coordinator:

  • the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research’s written and digitally signed decision to allot you a needs-based study allowance or
  • a copy of EAMT’s order to allot you a need-based special allowance.

Top-up for green travelling
You can receive a bonus if you use environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for your trip to your host country and back. This includes travel by train or by bus.
The support consists of:
a) a one-time additional allowance of 50 euros;
b) extension of the study abroad granted period by up to 4 travel days (up to 2 days for going to study abroad destination and up to 2 travel days for returning from studies abroad).

Verification: travel tickets/boarding passes (to confirm the type and dates of travel). In other cases, the scholarship is calculated from the start date of the study abroad (when you have to be present related to studies), and the travel dates or arriving earlier is not included in the period supported. In case of the green way of travel, it is possible to extend the granted period of the study abroad by the travel dates due to longer trips. This is provided in case the actual travel dates prove it. It is also possible to apply only for an additional allowance (50 euros) and not to use the extension of the granted study abroad period (if it’s not appropriate).

Erasmus+ additional grant for the students with special needs
Students with physical, mental or health-related special needs may apply for a grant in addition to the regular Erasmus+ study mobility grant. In anticipation of your Erasmus+ mobility, you must indicate your needs and foreseen extra costs associated with your physical, mental or health-related special needs in order to apply for the Erasmus+ special needs support grant. Areas that could be eligible for support linked to your Erasmus+ mobility, according to individual needs, include but are not limited to: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical care, medical support equipment, modified learning materials, an accompanying person, etc. Spending must be done during the mobility period. If any of these conditions apply to you, please contact the Erasmus Coordinator and explain your condition and possible associated costs.

In the case of a global internship, a travel allowance (180-1500 EUR) is added to the scholarship, which depends on the destination of the internship and is calculated using the European Commission distance calculator.