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On June 14, the Senate of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre confirmed the 2021 elections results for academic staff and administrative positions.

Four academic positions were filled via an international recruitment procedure:

  • Professor of orchestral conducting (workload 0,5)
    14 applications were received. The Senate elected Arvo Volmer.
  • Senior Lecturer for accompaniment and opera studies (workload 1,0)
    6 applications were received. The Senate elected Ave Wagner.
  • Senior Lecturer for oboe (workload 0,5)
    5 applications were received. The Senate elected Dmitry Bulgakov.
  • Lecturer for piano and chamber music (workload 1,0)
    15 applications were received. The Senate elected Maksim Štšura.

EAMT internal recruitment took place for the following administrative positions:

  • Chief Coordinator of the Department of Classical Music Performance.
    One application was received for the position and the Senate confirmed the election of Mihkel Poll.
  • Chief Coordinator of the Department of Composition and Improvisational Performing Arts. Two applications were received for the position. The Senate elected Paolo Girol.
  • Head of the Centre for Doctoral Studies.
    One application was received for the position and the Senate confirmed the election of Kristel Pappel.

On Friday, June 18 at 7 pm, the gala concert of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre graduates of 2021 will take place at the EAMT Great Hall. Watch live on Youtube!

On Saturday, June 19 at 4 pm, the EAMT symphony orchestra and soloists will perform at the Great Hall, and at 6 pm the diploma awarding ceremony will commence. Watch live on Youtube or outside in front of the study building on a big screen.

76 bachelor’s, 85 master’s and one doctoral diploma will be awarded at the ceremony.

Practical information:

  • Admission by invitation only. The number of guests will depend on current restrictions.
  • All events can be followed via webcast.
  • A photoshoot and congratulation of the graduates are planned to take place similarly to last year after the ceremony outside the study building.

Teele Siig (Cultural Management) will defend her master’s thesis “Making Sense of the 2019 Change in Administration of Estonian Museums” on June 10 at 10.00.

The defense of the master’s thesis takes place in Zoom. A limited number of guests can participate. Please let us know by sending an e-mail to

Dear international applicants! Today, 3 June, is the last day to complete your application with supporting documentation.

For detailed audition requirements and assessment criteria click on the departments and majors.

Applicants to whom traveling restrictions still apply must include a video recording. Applicants with no traveling restrictions are expected to participate in the live entrance auditions that will take place from 28th of June to 1st of July at EAMT.
For further questions please address


Kirke Karja, doctoral student in jazz music at the EAMT is the first woman to win the Gaslini Award as the best jazz talent of the future.

Kirke Karja is an exceptional jazz musician and composer very well known despite her very young age, known for having played with many important musicians and also as president of the Estonian Jazz Association. She graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre with a degree in classical piano and a master’s degree in jazz. She also studied freelance composition and improvisation and is currently pursuing a PhD at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, working as a freelance musician. In 2014 she received the Young Jazz Talent Award. In 2019 she was selected to participate in the Criss Cross European tour.

Kirke will perform on the evening of 29 July 2021 in Piazza La Quara with Federico Calcagno.

See also:

GIOVANNI ALBINI will defend his doctoral thesis on June 14 at 12.00 in room A-402 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Music):

Transfiguring Conventional Music Elements
A Mathematically Informed Approach to Composition

Supervisor: Professor Kerri Kotta, PhD (EAMT)

Opponent: Hannu Pohjannoro, DMus (Tampere)

The doctoral thesis is available HERE and in print in the EAMT library

“… The general questions that had been the starting point of my artistic research are the following. How can mathematics serve to shape musical structures that grant a neat focus on traditional music elements and yet put them in a different perspective? And which of the several ways I could find are closer to my individual character, aesthetics and aims?

To answer these broad questions I took into analysis from a musicological standpoint the process of my former composition practice, recognizing some mathematically informed traits that I could thenreduce and formalize in three concepts of a specific structured compositional strategy of combinatorial nature, that I named 1) completeness, 2) exhaustiveness and 3) equality in repetition.

These three concepts naturally emerged in my own composition practice. Thereby, such study let me narrow down the aforesaid questions to a more specific one: the very research question of this text. How and why the three concepts of completeness, exhaustiveness and equality in repetition can serve to transfigure conventional musical elements offering useful tools for composers?” writes Giovanni Albini in the abstract of  his doctoral thesis.

See more here.

On May 12, 2021, the Lied-duo competition of the Department of Classical Music Performance took place in the Chamber Hall of the EAMT, where 16 ensembles participated.
The jury, Mihkel Poll, Aule Urb and Kristi Kapten, judged the following duos worthy of the award:

I prize Ursula Roomere / Sven-Sander Šestakov (supervisor Martti Raide); cash prize 350 euros

II prize Milda Drejeryté / Medeiné Mickevičiuté (supervisor Prof. Helin Kapten) and Triin-Eliis Süld / Eva Jelenskaja-Tamm (supervisor Prof. Helin Kapten); a cash prize of 250 euros for each duo

III prize Lekso Kapanadze / Karl Johan Nutt (supervisor Prof. Helin Kapten); cash prize 150 euros

Congratulations to the winners!

On May 13th, the new contemporary performance festival CPPM Manifestal will be launched, celebrating the development of our two-year MA in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM) students at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

All 13 new productions presented at the festival result from their artistic research projects undertaken to complete their master studies.

Photo: Eero Vabamägi / Postimees

“Over the last two years, the have challenged themselves withstanding numerous workshopis, creative projects, academic tasks and public performances. This extreme diversity of guest artists and teacers and the intensity of the course served as a platform for them to refine their own ways and identities. Manifestal is the logical destination of the journey.”  Jüri Nael

Photos: Seohwon Ji  “I AM WONDERING SO, I AM WANDERING” (Alan Proosa / CPPM Manifestal)

The CPPM Manifestal is born in cooperation with our incredible partners: Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, Uue Loomingu Maja, Elektron, Estonian Dance Agency and Estonian Academy of Arts. The festival is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

More info:


This spring, the EAMT will open admission to a new speciality field of singing, focusing on oratorio and ensemble singing. The study content focuses on singing in different styles, from baroque to contemporary. During the two-year master’s program, the student acquires experience in singing in a cappella ensembles as well as in making music with various instrumental ensembles. The program covers both early music, 19-20. century chamber music and contemporary music.

The leading lecturers of the new speciality field will be:

Jörg Dürmüller (tenor, Switzerland)




Kädy Plaas-Kala (soprano, Estonia)




We are looking for all those young singers who have completed their bachelor’s studies, and want to focus their career on ensemble and concert singing, as well as acquire diverse, broad-based vocal and interpretive skills in this field, to apply for the new field of speciality.

Admission information can be found here:

COMMUTE (COMposition and MUSic Technology) is a festival of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, which focuses on sound, visual and music technology. This spring, the festival is taking place for the third time and for the first time it is possible to follow COMMUTE events online.

During the seven days, several web concerts, premieres of various audiovisual works and an exhibition at the ARS Art City will take place, which will reach a wider audience via a web platform.

The COMMUTE program plays an important role in the creation of EAMT students, but we have also hosted guests every year. This year we will present the compositions of teachers and students of electroacoustic music at the Sibelius Academy of the Helsinki University of the Arts, the Tallinn New Music Ensemble will also perform at the festival, presenting new works by young authors of the EAMT.

A more detailed plan of the festival can be seen on the website