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On 1 December, admission will open for MA in Contemporary Performance and Composition (CoPeCo).

CoPeCo is a two-year joint master’s programme and an open platform for experimental artistic practice within a European setting. The consortium includes the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, the Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse in Lyon and the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre. The students will spend each of the four semesters in a different institution, moving from one to the other as a group.

CoPeCo is aimed at composers, contemporary music performers, electronic musicians, sound artists, as well as those who may not fit precisely within these categories. One of the advantages of the programme is its flexibility in adapting to the specific needs and interests of each student. CoPeCo supports and promotes contemporary musical expression in all aspects, including creation, production, performance and the relationship between musicians and society. We place a strong emphasis on improvisation, music technology, as well as providing fundamental knowledge in cultural management and music analysis. Various workshops are conducted in collaboration with professionals from theater, dance, or film. CoPeCo serves as an excellent international launch platform for young creatives.

CoPeCo programme co-director is Taavi Kerikmäe, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Music.

On November 18 at 15:00, an online information session for CoPeCo will be held on Zoom, providing an opportunity to learn more about the application process, curriculum, and practical arrangements. The programme co-directors and coordinators from all partner institutions will be present. Registration to the session is open HERE


The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Foundation awards the first EAMT Alumni Union scholarship “Future Master” in the amount of € 5,000. All EMTA students can apply for the scholarship (except students on academic leave).

To apply, you must submit a free-form application, which must show your creative activities and plans for the future. Also, a free-form recommendation letter from one of your fellow-students in EAMT must be added.

The deadline for applications is 27 September at 12:00. The application must be sent to the e-mail:

The “Future Master” scholarship will be awarded on October 5 at the EAMT alumni gala in the great hall.

For the academic year 2024/2025 non-EU students of music subjects at BA and MA levels can apply for a small number of targeted EAMT scholarships covering either 50% or 25% of the tuition fee.

The scholarships are not paid to applicants directly, but their tuition fee obligation is reduced by the amount of the scholarship. A scholarship is awarded for one academic year.

NB! The DoRa Plus scholarship programme for all foreign students at the MA level is unfortunately no longer available!

A student may apply for a targeted scholarship if he/she is studying a music major and is enrolled in bachelor’s or master’s studies,


  • is of a country of origin from outside the European Union and has to pay the tuition fee for non-EU students;
  • is a first-year student whose entrance examination result was at least 9 points;
  • is a second- or third-year student whose last main subject examination result was at minimum “very good”;
  • is studying full-time and completing the curriculum in full (cumulatively at least 30 ECTS credits per semester);
  • is not on academic leave;

The allocation of the scholarships in 2024 will take place in the form of an audition via video recordings for Classical Music Performance, Jazz, and Contemporary Improvisation majors and the presentation of portfolios for Composition and Music Technology majors.

The audition requires the presentation of a recording of a performance without cuts or edits of a programme lasting a maximum of 15 minutes and including at least two pieces for Classical Music Performance and Jazz majors and 2–3 solo and ensemble improvisations for students of Contemporary Improvisation.

Composition and Music Technology majors must present a portfolio with a list of activities in their subject fields, scores, recordings, etc. from the last 2 years.

NB! EAMT will not provide separate recording sessions for the purpose of this audition but we offer some suggestions on preparing performance videos.

The recording quality on most modern smartphones is generally very good.

It is easy to make simple video recordings using built-in apps.

They do not generate fan noise.

They can be placed easily on music stands, etc.

You are welcome to use additional equipment, such as external mics, audio interfaces, computer software, etc if you have the expertise to create good results with them.

Small placement changes can have a significant effect, especially at the close distances required by small rooms. Try to identify the optimal setup for the recording or ask a friend to help with the assessment. Brass instruments – perform off-axis to your recording device to avoid wind blasts overpowering the microphone.

Please read carefully the eligibility and audition requirements listed above. In case you are sure that you qualify, please submit your application here, the deadline is Sunday, 13 October.

NB! Please upload your video files to YouTube or Vimeo and include the link in the online application form. Students of non-performing majors must send their portfolios by the application deadline to

The panel of the audition will consist of the vice-rector for artistic affairs and international relations, the chief coordinators of the departments, and heads of studies of each major.

Should you have any further questions regarding the scholarships or application procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact the EAMT international students’ advisor Liina Deutschler.

The Tenth Competition of Estonian Pianists will take place from 28 November – 6 December, 2024 at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

Registration deadline is 1 October.

The Competition of Estonian Pianists is a long-standing event that serves as a starting block for local talented pianists. The event has its roots in 1968. The most recent competition took place five years ago and since then we have seen a new promising generation of pianists eager to put their skills to test. The competition enriches the piano community with talented musicians and opens the doors to concert halls for the participants, all the while also promoting the piano profession nationwide. All Estonian pianists, including international students of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, are welcome to participate.

All three rounds of the competition take place in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Great Hall. The pianists will be judged by a jury composed of internationally recognised pianists. The six finalists will perform with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra under the baton of conductor Arvo Volmer.

Additional information and registration:

The Competition of Estonian Pianists is organised by the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and the Association of Estonian Pianists.

Dear alumni of the academy!

In the autumn of 2024, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) will celebrate its 105th anniversary. The academy’s jubilee celebrations will begin on 28 September, including the EAMT flagship festival MÜRIAADfest with the subtitle “Encounters“. The festival will conclude on Saturday, 5 October, with a grand ALUMNI REUNION.

On Saturday, 5 October, a festive ALUMNI GALA “A Tribute to the Academy” will take place in the EAMT Great Hall, where alumni from different years will perform. There will be reunions in departments, a gathering in the Chamber Hall, and the evening will conclude with an ALUMNI PARTY in the Black Box, featuring music by the band Dance-O-Phones and DJ Heidy Purga.


17:00 EAMT Great Hall
Alumni Gala “A Tribute to the Academy”
Performers: Aile Asszonyi (soprano), pianist Toomas Kaldaru, Holger Marjamaa (piano), Juhan Uppin (diatonic accordion), composer and pianist Rein Rannap, Prezioso String Quartet, EAMT Choir conducted by Hirvo Surva, EAMT alumni wind orchestra conducted by Toomas Vavilov, actors Indrek Sammul, Kersti Kreismann, Ülle Kaljuste, Indrek Saar, Elmar Trink
Host Johan Randvere

18:30 EAMT concert and theater hall foyer
Greetings from Rector Ivari Ilja
Followed by meetings in various EAMT rooms by specialty

20:00 to 01:00 EMTA Black Box
Grand Alumni Party
Music by the band Dance-O-Phones and DJ Heidy Purga
Bars will be open

All alumni who feel connected to their alma mater and wish to reminisce about their university studies together are welcome to the reunion.

NB! Pre-registration is required here.
Tickets from Piletikeskus 20€ (Alumni Gala and Party) / from 1 October 30€

Organized by MTÜ Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Alumni Association

The European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) is now seeking new members! All applicants for the 2025 Orchestra must be aged between 16 and 26 inclusive on 31 December 2024 and hold passports from one of the 27 European Union member Countries.

The auditions will take place in two rounds
Pre-auditions for wind, brass and percussion – tbc; pre-audition for the strings will be on Wednesday, 30 October at 14.30 in D-511;
Final round on Monday, 4 November 2024 at 10:00 in D-511

Candidates will be asked to play a prepared piece of their own choosing (eg a movement from a concerto, sonata etc) and a selection of orchestral extracts.
NB! Percussionists will be asked to play a selection of prepared orchestral extracts only (no piece).

How and when to apply
All the candidates are requested to fill in the application on the EUYO homepage latest by 21 October 2024.

Since its founding in 1976, the EUYO has grown into one of the world’s leading symphony orchestras, collaborating with many of the greatest musicians in history, such as Daniel Barenboim, Leonard Bernstein, Herbert von Karajan, and Mstislav Rostropovich. Notably, the orchestra has also worked with its three Music Directors and the current Chief Conductor: Founding Music Director Claudio Abbado, former Music Director Vladimir Ashkenazy, former Music Director and current Conductor Laureate Bernard Haitink, and, since spring 2024, Chief Conductor Iván Fischer. The EUYO, founded in 1976, is by now one of the world’s pre-eminent symphony orchestras that has worked with many of the world’s greatest musicians including Daniel Barenboim, Leonard Bernstein, Herbert von Karajan, Mstislav Rostropovich and particularly its three Music Directors and current Chief Conductor: Founding Music Director Claudio Abbado, former Music Director Vladimir Ashkenazy, former Music Director and current Conductor Laureate Bernard Haitink, and since spring 2024, Chief Conductor Iván Fischer.

The EUYO’s spring and summer sessions are held at its residency in Grafenegg, Austria, followed by concert tours, details of which can be found on the EUYO homepage.

Additional information:
Kai Kiiv
6675 721

The new academic year of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre begins on 26 August.

10:00 opening meeting of the academic year for the academy faculty and staff will be held at the Great Hall.

12:00 opening ceremony for new students at the Great Hall, followed by introductory meetings.

In addition, we are inviting all our first-year students to take part in the orientation week, which will take place from 26 August to 30 August.

International students’ guideline can be found here.

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is announcing additional admission for a small number of study places for the academic year 2024‒2025 in the following curricula:

Jazz Music – Percussion (Bachelor’s Studies, Master’s Studies)

Applications and other documents must be submitted by 19 August via e-mail to:

Application form is here.

Entrance examination will take place on 23 August at 9.00 room D-311.

Heigo Rosin defends his doctoral thesis on 28 May at 14:30 room A-402 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Music):

„Kaasaegse instrumentaalkontserdi mõtestamisest Erkki-Sven Tüüri  „Magma” näitel – interpreedi vaade“

Supervisor: professor Kerri Kotta, PhD (EMTA)

Opponent: Mihhail Gerts, PhD (muusikas), Berliin

The doctoral thesis is available HERE and in print in the EAMT library.

Part of Summary:

In the doctoral thesis „Considerations on Modern Instrumental Concerto using Erkki-Sven Tüür’s „Magma” as an Example – an Interpreter’s View”, I addressed the challenges faced by soloists in performing contemporary instrumental concerto using Erkki-Sven Tüür’s Symphony No. 4 „Magma” as an example. The thesis aimed to define and describe the functions of the soloist.

The thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion. Drawing on existing literature, I described Tüür’s musical style and development and the characteristics of „Magma”. Through full score analysis, I identified various relationships between the musical material performed by the soloist and that performed by the orchestra, referring to them as the soloist’s functions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand how composer Erkki-Sven

Tüür and other performers of „Magma” interpret the work. Finally, I made general observations when considering „Magma” to ensure high-level artistic performance. The materials used in writing the thesis included the score of „Magma” , articles by Kerri Kotta and Merike Vaitmaa, as well as interviews with Erkki-Sven Tüür, Evelyn Glennie, Guntars Freibergs, Risto Joost, and Kristjan Järvi.

Vittoria Ecclesia defends her doctoral thesis on 4 June at 16:00 room D-511 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Music):

“Practice Beyond Boundaries: Enhancing Musicianship through Historical Clarinet Affordances” 

Supervisors: professor Toomas Siitan, PhD (EAMT), professor Peeter Sarapuu, PhD (EAMT)
Opponent: professor Mieko Kanno, Sibelius Academy / University of the Arts Helsinki

The doctoral thesis is available HERE and in print in the EAMT library.


The thesis “Practice Beyond Boundaries: Enhancing Musicianship through Historical Clarinet

Affordances” (“Piire ületav harjutamine: muusikalise meisterlikkuse arendamine ajaloolise klarneti pakutavate võimaluste kaudu”) is part of a creative research doctoral project and it explores how practice and performance on modern clarinet are affected by the exploration of musical affordances on historical clarinet. The concept of affordances identifies the possibilities of action offered by an object to a subject interacting with it. The historical clarinet considered is a 13-keyed instrument, developed by the clarinettist and composer Iwan Müller at the beginning of the 19th Century. The instrument represented a major breakthrough in the history of the clarinet, influencing its contemporaries and the players to come. While the initial interest towards this topic sparked from its history, in this research project Müller’s clarinet is not used as a historical instrument. It is taken into a modern context, and explored in practice sessions alongside its modern relative following a hybrid methodology.

The practice process is organised following the principles of autobiographic design. This method, born in the field of human-computer interaction design, is used here as a support to organize a structured yet flexible series of practice sessions to explore the historical clarinet. The process is documented through a practical journal, which is then analysed following the principles of thematic analysis, identifying recurring relevant themes emerging in the practice. Finally, the whole process falls under an autoethnographic framework, to take into account the self of the researcher in the identification and later application of musical affordances.

The process led to the identification of five main thematic areas encompassing different musical

affordances of historical clarinet: technique, air and sound production, articulation, intonation, and interpretation and phrasing. In each area, the historical clarinet afforded different actions than the modern one, showing its potential as an individual instrument. The results showed how musical affordances could be applied in everyday practice, and how they influenced modern clarinet practice not only in its technical aspects but also more abstractly, in the mindset and approach to music. A similar process of exploration and experimentation could be followed on other instruments, breaking the boundaries of traditional practice on a broader level.