The most important part of the Erasmus+ programme is student mobility, which offers our students an opportunity to study at prestigious European (music) universities or to carry out a traineeship at a relevant organisation for up to one year.
Please submit the Erasmus+ online application form by 10 February (application for the next academic year (autumn or spring semester or full academic year). In addition, it is possible to apply by 10 October for the spring semester of the ongoing academic year (limited number of institutions).
Participation criteria
- All EAMT students can participate in Erasmus+ mobility regardless of their nationality or study level;
- Students may participate on traineeships even during their first year of bachelor’s studies;
- Exchange period (both studies and traineeships) may last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months.
- Short-term mobility (5-30 days) is allowed ONLY in case of group mobilities organised by department. In bachelor’s and master’s level studies, short-term mobility includes a mandatory virtual component. Additionally, short-term mobility can be arranged for doctoral students, where the physical mobility may, but does not have to, be preceded or followed by a virtual component.
- Erasmus programme enables students to participate in exchange studies and/or traineeship for up to 12 months on each study level (i.e. bachelor, master, doctoral). Students who have previously participated in Erasmus mobility on the same study level and have at least 2 mobility months unused are also eligible to participate.
- Recent graduates traineeship must occur within one year after the graduation on the condition that the Erasmus mobility limit of 12 months has not been used fully during the most recently completed study level. The basis for applying is the traineeship plan (doc) signed by the traineeship supervisor that needs to be submitted before graduation!
Where to go?
Erasmus+ programme covers all member states of the European Union. In addition, exchange studies are possible in the UK (limited budget), Switzerland*, Turkey, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia.
*Switzerland participates in the Erasmus+ programme under special terms. Grants for students accepted into Swiss universities are paid by the Swiss government. More information is available HERE
The students’ proactivity and independence are the prerequisites for exchange studies. The choice of the host university must be based primarily on your curriculum. It’s recommended to get acquainted with the profiles of various partner universities.
The list of EAMT partner universities is available HERE. You may apply to three universities/organisations at a time.
Application process
The application for exchange places of the upcoming academic year usually takes place in the beginning of the spring semester.
As a first step, the internal Erasmus+ online application form needs to be submitted by the EAMT deadline with all requested documents including the signed confirmation letter of EAMT specialty teacher. Thereupon the application package should be sent to the host university. Please adhere to the deadlines and requirements of the host institution.
Depending on the host institution, the application needs to be submitted either through the EASY Mobility Online system, a separate online system of the host institution or brought/sent to the EAMT Erasmus coordinator. Before applying the student needs to check from the website of the receiving institution how the incoming applications are accepted.
Applications submitted through the EASY Mobility Online system – EASY Mobility Online should be used to apply to the institutions that have joined the system. The list of instituions who have joined the system is found HERE
NB! The recording and Transcript of Records (issued by the Registry and Student Affairs Department) as well as other requested documents need to be uploaded to the system.Applications submitted through the online system of the receiving institution – the link to the online application system is available on the host institution’s website. Please also notify the EAMT Erasmus coordinator of your application (
Applications submitted through the EAMT Erasmus coordinator – if the receiving institution requests the documents by email or regular post, the application needs to be sent by the EAMT Erasmus coordinator. Please bring/send the documents and recording to the Erasmus coordinator (
Application documentsErasmus application (pdf /doc)
If possible, the student fills in the Online Learning Agreement (OLA), which confirms the subjects to be taken at the host university during exchange studies.
Learning Agreement (doc)
Learning agreement is a document confirming the study plan for the mobility period between the home institution, the host institution and the student. The Learning Agreement must include EAMT subjects that will be replaced by the subjects taken abroad. This should be discussed with the Registry and Student Affairs Department.
OLS language test and language course
It’s mandatory for all outgoing students to take a European Commission composed online language assessment before the mobility, unless your exchange studies or traineeship is carried out in your native language. The assessment will be taken in the main language of instruction of the host institution/organisation and is available for all official European languages. The students will receive an invitation to the language assessment via email. There might be a possibility to get a voucher for online language course in the case when student’s language level is below the level requested by the host institution. The language test result does not affect your possibilities of getting accepted by the partner school, however, you may improve your language proficiency by participating in the offered language course during your mobility period. Following the course is not mandatory, but we strongly advise it for student’s own benefit.
The licence for the test is issued by the International Office once a student’s upcoming mobility has received full confirmation from the host and the EAMT.
OLA - online learning agreement
The prerequisite for studying at a host university is the completion of a trilateral (student, EAMT, host university) learning agreement.
Learning agreement is a document confirming the study plan for the mobility period between the home institution, the host institution and the student. The Learning Agreement must include EAMT subjects that will be replaced by the subjects taken abroad. This should be discussed with the Registry and Student Affairs Department.
If possible, the student fills in the Online Learning Agreement (OLA), which confirms the subjects to be taken at the host university during exchange studies.
Learning agreements are only processed outside the digital platforms and signed on paper in the case the host university is not ready to accept OLA (they are not connected to the EWP – Erasmus Without Paper Network, yet). For the learning agreement signed on paper, please use the OLA template (doc), and have it signed on paper.
- Before starting to compile the OLA, please ask who is the contact person in your host university for confirming your OLA or learning agreement. Please clarify whether the host university can accept OLA or above mentioned pdf version of learning agreement.
- Online learning agreement must be prepared based on the study plan confirmed by the study department. You must list both, the courses you attend at the host university and how the courses will be recognized for your study programme at EAMT.
- From EAMT side, OLA will be confirmed by your department study specialist.
Erasmus+ scholarship
The scholarship is meant to help you cover the expenses you will incur while abroad but will not necessarily cover all of them, so be prepared to cover a certain portion of the costs yourself. Erasmus+ programme does not grant participants with the scholarship in case of distance learning without moving to the host country. In order to grant blended mobility (virtual mobility at distance combined with physical mobility period) the period where participant is present at the host country must be at least 2 consecutive months (only the period of physical mobility will be granted).Before the exchange, a grant agreement will be signed with the mobility participant. After the agreement has been duly signed and the student has taken the mandatory language assessment, a pre-financing payment shall be made according to the provisions set in the agreement.
The European Commission’s grant amounts for 2024-2025:
Countries with high cost of living Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, UK* 674 €/month (30 days) Countries with medium cost of living Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Latvia 606 €/month (30 days) Countries with low cost of living Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumenia, Turkey, Hungary, Serbia 550 €/month (30 days) * limited budget
Higher Erasmus+ grant for students with disadvantaged background
You are entitled to apply for an additional 250 euros per month if you fulfill one of the following conditions:
- you receive needs-based study allowance (during the last semester before exchange studies or during the semester of exchange studies);
- have under-aged children to take care of;
- have reduced working capacity;
- have a background growing up in a substitute home.
These documents must be submitted to the Erasmus Coordinator when signing the Erasmus grant agreement or by the deadline specified by the Coordinator:
- the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research’s written and digitally signed decision to allot you a needs-based study allowance or
- a copy of EAMT’s order to allot you a need-based special allowance.
Travel grant
The travel grant will be calculated according to the distance between the home and host institutions.
Top-up for green travelling
You can receive a bonus if you use environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for your trip to your host country and back. This includes travel by train or by bus.
The support consists of:
a) one-time additional travel top-up;
b) extension of the study abroad granted period by up to 4 travel days (up to 2 days for going to study abroad destination and up to 2 travel days for returning from studies abroad).Verification: travel tickets/boarding passes (to confirm the type and dates of travel). In other cases, the scholarship is calculated from the start date of the study abroad (when you have to be present related to studies), and the travel dates or arriving earlier is not included in the period supported. In case of the green way of travel, it is possible to extend the granted period of the study abroad by the travel dates due to longer trips. This is provided in case the actual travel dates prove it. It is also possible to apply only for an additional allowance and not to use the extension of the granted study abroad period (if it’s not appropriate).
Erasmus+ additional grant for the students with special needs
Students with physical, mental or health-related special needs may apply for a grant in addition to the regular Erasmus+ study mobility grant. In anticipation of your Erasmus+ mobility, you must indicate your needs and foreseen extra costs associated with your physical, mental or health-related special needs in order to apply for the Erasmus+ special needs support grant. Areas that could be eligible for support linked to your Erasmus+ mobility, according to individual needs, include but are not limited to: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical care, medical support equipment, modified learning materials, an accompanying person, etc. NB! In case of additional support related to actual costs: cost documents addressed to and paid by the participant (agreement, invoice, payment order, cash check). Spendings must be done during the mobility period. If any of these conditions apply to you, please contact the Erasmus Coordinator and explain your condition and possible associated costs.Estonian government co-financing
Erasmus+ participants who are students of Estonian universities receive co-financing from the Estonian government. In determining the amount of each government stipend, the EAMT takes into account the total amount of money allotted to the academy and the number of students studying abroad during the period of financing. To allot this stipend, we sign a contract similar to the Erasmus+ grant agreement; it does not have to be applied for separately.Erasmus grant receivers may not simultaneously receive another EU-funded scholarship (e.g. Kristjan Jaak). It’s possible to select another scholarship while keeping the Erasmus student status (the agreement will be concluded with zero-grant).
In addition to the Erasmus+ scholarships, EAMT offers some additional funding to support the mobility of the outgoing students.
Learn about health insurance options and requirements:
- Healthcare in the EU and elsewhere
- Estonian health insurance (Tervisekassa) while abroad (only valid for those whose health care is covered by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund)
Before heading abroad, find out whether you will be able to get a spot in a student dormitory or if you will have to make your own housing arrangements. Reserving a spot in a dormitory usually requires sending in an application before a certain deadline and/or paying a deposit/application fee. Even if the university you are going to does not provide student housing, they may be able to offer you tips on how to find a place to live on your own. While you may use your Erasmus scholarship to pay for housing, it is not directly paid for by the programme, so be sure you have a good idea of your monthly costs. Do not hesitate to ask the receiving university for information or assistance.
For finding a place to stay, we also recommend using the accommodation platform Erasmus Play. It is an international student housing platform that helps you to find your new home.
During the mobility
The mobile student has the right to receive national scholarships, study grants and loans on the same grounds as the students studying in Estonia.
It is possible to prolong the mobility period (within one academic year) no later than 1 month before the end of the originally planned period. All changes to the initial grant agreement (including the mobility period, grant amount, payment of Erasmus+ top-up support in connection to needs-based study allowance etc.) will be stipulated in a supplementary agreement.
All changes to the initial Learning Agreement have to be made by filling out the “During the mobility” part of the Agreement.
After the mobility
For successful completion of exchange studies/ traineeship the following steps need to be taken:
- The host institution/organisation must confirm the period of studies/traineeship with a Confirmation Letter. The letter needs to include the start and end dates according to the actual mobility duration (first and last days of studies/training). The final grant amount will be calculated according to the confirmation letter. If the mobility period was shorter than initially planned, any excess grant amount will be reclaimed.
- Online feedback report must be submitted via the EU Survey database, evaluating the exchange studies/traineeship at the host university/organisation. The invitation will be automatically sent by email.
- The receiving institution must issue a Transcript of Records, an official certificate of the academic results (courses and credits) from the partner university.
- If changes were made in the initial Learning Agreement, these need to be described in the “During the mobility” part and the passed courses need to be included in the “After the mobility” part of the Agreement. The document needs to be signed by the coordinator of the receiving institution. The original results achieved at the partner university will be transferred.
The outstanding scholarship payment will be made after the mobility when all requested documents confirming the mobility have been received/submitted to the EAMT.
Blended mobility
Similar to the semester studies abroad (long-term physical mobility) the pre-condition for applying to the blended mobility is an Erasmus+ cooperation agreement set between the EAMT and the receiving university. Students of all study levels and study areas can participate, provided it is agreed in the cooperation agreement.
Blended mobility is a short-term physical mobility combined with a virtual activity:
- 5-30 days of physical mobility carried out abroad (studies or traineeship);
- Preceded or followed by virtual part of the mobility carried out remotely;
- must award a minimum of 3 ECTS credits.
Blended mobility is open to all potential participants, but primarily targeted at those who have reasons not to go on a fully physical long-term mobility. Short-term mobilities are mainly formalized ONLY in case of group mobilities, which is organized by department.
Blended Intensive Program (BIP) is a program designed and delivered in cooperation with partner universities:
- in cooperation of at least 3 universities from at least 3 Erasmus+ programme countries;
- minimum number of Erasmus+ participants from Erasmus+ programme countries: 10;
- physical mobility period carried out in the home country of the coordinating (receiving) university;
- virtual component performed as a collaborative online learning.
BIPs aim to open up more opportunities for students to take part in blended mobilities, for example those in study fields where mobility opportunities have been limited or those who lack confidence to go abroad alone, potentially paving the way for their participation in long-term individual mobility later in their studies.
Blended mobility scholarships and allowances
Erasmus+ grants (individual support) are available for the short-term physical period of the blended mobility:
- Up to the 14th day of activity 79 EUR/day. If necessary, additional paid travel days (one before and one after the project’s content days) will be added to the project’s duration.
- Travel grant according to travel distance
- Estonian Government go-financing 118 EUR
Top-up for green travellingParticipants can receive a bonus if using environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for the trip to the host country and back. This includes travel by train or by bus.
The support consists of:
a) one-time additional top up;
b) additional extension of the study abroad granted period by up to 4 travel days (up to 2 days for going to study abroad destination and up to 2 travel days for returning from studies abroad).Verification: travel tickets/boarding passes (to confirm the type and dates of travel). In other cases, the scholarship is calculated from the start date of the study abroad (when you have to be present related to studies), and the travel dates or arriving earlier is not included in the period supported. In case of the green way of travel, it is possible to extend the granted period of the study abroad by the travel dates due to longer trips. This is provided in case the actual travel dates prove it. It is also possible to apply only for an additional allowance (50 euros) and not to use the extension of the granted study abroad period (if it’s not appropriate).
Additional support for the students with fewer opportunities:
- A top-up amount to the grant 100 EUR (period of 5-14 days).
Participants of the blended mobilities are selected by the relevant department, the final decision on accepting the students is made by the receiving school.
Before the blended mobility period starts:
- OLS language test must be completed;
- Erasmus+ learning agreement signed (student, sending academy, receiving academy);
- Erasmus+ grant agreement signed
After the blended mobility period ends:
- Reports must be submitted to the International Office (letter of confirmation, transcript of records, EU Survey, travel tickets in case of green travel support);
- In order to get credit for the subject taken abroad as part of study program at EAMT transcript of records must also be submitted to the study department.