CPPM EXPROMT 1.1 (2025)
CPPM EXPROMT is a series of events where CPPM students from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre will experiment with different forms and themes of contemporary performance. What makes these events unique is the very short preparation time and the ever-changing format, which confronts both performers and audiences with the unexpected and challenges them to constantly shift and redefine the boundaries of performance. You have to be ready for anything because you never know what will really happen and how it will all turn out. But what happens happens once and never happens again.
Creators-performers: Ana Trif (Romania), Anette Pärn (Estonia), Avery Gerhardt (USA), Charis Taplin (UK), Clarisse Degeneffe (Belgium), Daniel Ortiz Amézquita (Colombia), Dita Lūriņa (Latvia), Edward Skaines (Australia), Elar Vahter (Estonia), Jeson Joy (India), Juuli Hyttinen (Finland), Leah Gayer (Germany/UK), Maarja Tosin (Estonia), Maria Papachristodoulou (Greece), Oskar Moore (Latvia), and Zhenyan Ding (China).