Applications for the 2025 intake are now closed! The next intake will most probably take place in 2027. Please keep an eye on this page for further information. Meanwhile, look at our Open Workshops page for short courses taught by our world-renowned guest artists.


We recommend submitting your application as early as possible. Early submission allows our admissions team to review your application more quickly and increases your chances of securing an early invitation to auditions. This timely approach is beneficial, especially if you must arrange travel and accommodation for auditions outside your home town or country.


Key dates for 2025 intake

  • Application Deadline: July 1, 2024
  • Auditions: August to September 2024 (globally and online)
  • Studies commence on 20 January 2025
  • Studies finish in Spring 2027
  • Duration of studies: 2 – 2.5 years

Preparing your application requires thorough and careful attention to detail. A complete checklist of all the required documents and materials to be included with your application is provided below for your guidance. Being mindful of the deadlines is crucial, ensuring you don’t overlook any critical stages in the application process.

Entry Requirements

To qualify for the program, candidates should hold an undergraduate degree, ideally in a field related to performing arts such as theatre, acting, dance, choreography, circus, performance art or performance making. Nonetheless, applicants with degrees in other areas may also be eligible if they can present a significant portfolio highlighting their prior artistic practice and experience. While candidates with several years of professional experience in the performing arts are preferred, this is not a mandatory criterion for application.


Application Form

Applications must be submitted online using the DreamApply Estonia platform, where you can conveniently start, save and edit your application at any point before the submission deadline. Ensure your application is thorough, effectively showcasing your professional background, artistic perspective, and creative aspirations. 


Supporting Documents

Please provide the following documents with your online application

1) A Curriculum Vitae giving a thorough overview of your previous education, artistic practice and professional experience.

2) An Artistic Portfolio of your creative work. Please submit links within the Media section of your online application.

3) A 10-minute self-tape introducing:

    • Who are you, why are you applying for this course, why now, and how would attending CPPM support your artistic development?
    • What artistic questions, interests, and challenges would you like to tackle during the two years with us? 

4) Copies of your qualifications from previous studies (degree certificates and transcripts) issued or officially translated into English. 

5) A copy of your passport.

6) Proof of English language proficiency. We expect a minimum standard as certified by the IELTS 6.5 or any other B2-C2 certification. You can apply for the course without having your language proficiency certificate, but you must have achieved the required level before commencing any studies. If your previous education has been in English, you are exempt from this requirement.  

7) Two references from those who are familiar with your artistic work. Referees will be invited to submit their references confidentially through the email addresses you provide, and you will be notified when they are submitted. 

8) An application fee of €70. As you begin completing your online application in DreamApply, an invoice will be generated and attached to your account. Although immediate payment is not required, please note that you are not able to submit your application until the application fee has been fully paid. Payment can be made through the academy’s PayPal account using any international credit card or via bank transfer. You will find the details in the invoice. The system typically takes 1-2 days to update the application fee status, so making the payment well in advance is advisable. Remember that the application deadline is 1 July, so settle the application fee several days earlier to avoid a situation where the deadline is approaching, but the application fee status has not been updated, resulting in failure to submit your application before the deadline.

9) Audition dates/location preferences. You can mark your choice in the online application form.

Please note that applications submitted past the deadline cannot be accepted.


If your application is successful, you’ll receive an invitation to join our auditions. The auditions will span two consecutive days, and your attendance is required for the entire duration. The audition process will encompass a variety of exercises, creative assignments, written tasks, and an interview. Detailed information about the audition procedure, including preparation guidelines, will be provided to selected candidates at least two weeks before the audition dates.


Global and online auditions

In 2024, we aim to bring auditions closer to you, ensuring that everyone can attend without the need to travel to the other side of the world. That’s why we’re offering both face-to-face and online auditions this year. While face-to-face auditions are preferred, as they allow us to meet and spend some time together in the studio, we accept online auditions as an equally valid alternative. We hope this ensures greater flexibility and accessibility for applicants, regardless of their location.

If you prefer to meet us face to face, you can choose from 6 audition rounds globally: South Korea, Australia, Brazil, USA, UK and Estonia. In addition, we offer three online auditions that take place in different time zones: Asia (GMT+10), the Americas (GMT-7), and Europe/Africa (GMT+1).

Please note that both face-to-face and online auditions run for two full days.


Global auditions

Below are the dates and locations for our global face-to-face auditions. Please note that you must arrange your travel and accommodation for audition dates in your chosen location.

Date Location

3-4 | August

Seoul (South Korea)

10-11 | August

Melbourne (Australia)

24-25 | August

Sao Paolo (Brazil)

7-8 | September

New York (USA)

14-15 | September

London (UK)

19-20 | September

Tallinn (Estonia)

21-22 | September

Tallinn (Estonia)

Online auditions

In case you choose to attend an online audition, you will need a spacious private studio space to move around, a reliable internet connection, a computer, a web camera and a microphone to participate. Below, you will find the dates and time zones for online auditions.

Date Time zone

17-18 | August

Time zone GMT +10 (Melbourne)

31 | August – 1 | September

Time zone GMT -7 (Los Angeles)

12-13 | September

Time zone GMT +1 (London)

Audition Results

We aim to inform all applicants of the audition results by 1 October 2024. The decision will be one of the following:

  • We make you an offer to study on the course. After receiving your offer, you have three weeks to accept or decline. Please note that you are not able to defer your study place.
  • You have been placed on the waiting list. We aim to let you know the final outcome by 21 October 2024.
  • Your application has been unsuccessful.

Please note that the admission panel cannot give any individual feedback about your performance in the audition.


Additional information

For further details on course dates, fees, scholarships and student loan opportunities, kindly visit our Course Detail page.

If you would like to know more about tutors and guest artists teaching the course, check out the Teaching Team page.

For insights into the course curriculum, please explore our Curriculum page.

To discover the range of projects run by CPPM, please visit our Projects and Calendar pages.

You can explore the Current Students and Alumni pages for information about our current and past students.

Should you have any queries regarding the application process, required supporting documents, or auditions, please get in touch with us via email at or +(372) 6678 02.