Peader Kirk
Open class
31.03.2023 19:00 Black box
Peader Kirk is a renowned international artist and mentor who specializes in Performance and Sound Art. He has recently exhibited his work at the ICA in London, the National Theatre of Greece in Athens, and the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin. Peader’s work ranges from intimate encounters in small spaces to large-scale public works in urban environments, which he creates both independently and collaboratively with Mkultra.
At the heart of Peader’s work is an exploration of how we experience existence in the present moment, particularly within the context of our society and location. His site-responsive installations use the physical and social architecture of a location as a foundation, incorporating sound and object installation to develop a unique immersive experience that transcends traditional theatre conventions.
Peader’s work also seeks to eliminate the boundaries between the audience and the art, creating a “thin mediation” that fully encompasses visitors. He accomplishes this by re-performing personal and public events, creating a parallel reality where the dynamics of a particular historical moment can be experienced in the present. This subverts both the fictive and the real and allows for a deeper exploration of the texture of existence.
Over the past decade, Peader and Mkultra have created over 30 pieces supported by various organizations, including the ACE, the British Council, and the Greek Cultural Ministry. Their work has been presented at prestigious venues and festivals such as the Young Vic, BAC, and the Fabbrica Europa Festival, among others. Ultimately, Peader’s work invites audiences to question the constructed nature of our society and to imagine new social situations that can make a positive impact on our world.