I like to take you to places Unknown,
Where you’ve never been, where seeds are sown.
I love to bring you to sights unseen,
And Hold you close before you leave the scene.
I wish to guide you on paths Unknown,
To discoveries you’ve never known to seek,
While keeping you in moments,
Where all feels familiar, yet mystique.
I will take you where thoughts are not yet born,
Where every step is a question, unanswered, untorn.
I love to take you to places,
Where you leave richer in experience and grace,
Where the old meets the new,
And you return, enchanted, to your own space.
I promise to keep you safe,
Forever, in this sacred place.
Maarja Tosin (1998) is a dedicated creative Soul whose artistic journey focuses on the fusion of dance, performance, physical theatre, visual art and various artistic disciplines. The main goal of her creative practice is to explore the symbiosis between the human body and soul, as well as to create a deep connection with both the audience and participants. Maarja’s work reflects an interest in different artistic styles and cultures, drawing inspiration from both everyday moments and deeper philosophical and spiritual themes.
Maarja Tosin was born in 1998 in Estonia. Her artistic journey began in her childhood in Aegviidu. When the school years arrived, her parents directed her to figure skating and Julie Stinette’s movement arts and fashion show studio. In 2018, she graduated from Tallinn Secondary School No 32, specializing in theatre. In 2020, she pursued her studies in choreography at the Baltic Film, Media, and Arts School of Tallinn University, where she spent the best four years of her life.
During her studies, Maarja has been blessed with the opportunity to meet many distinguished artists, with some of whom she has had the chance to collaborate and learn together. As a performer, she has worked with artists such as Keithy Kuuspu, Henri Hütt, Renee Nõmmik, Tiina Ollesk, Young Boy Dancing Group, Maria Metsalu, Utopia Entertainment, Ingmar Jõela, Oksana Tralla, Anumai Raska, Florian Wahl, Unholy Trinity, Pavel Pi (Gameboy Tetris), Polina Yakyan, Inga, Manna, Sorcerer, Krista Köster, Britt Kõrsmaa, Lisette Sivard, Kateriin Rikken, Alissija-Elisabet Jevtjukova, Maarja Tõnisson, Amanda Tender, and others.
During her studies in choreography, she had the privilege of learning under the guidance of artists such as Oksana Tralla, Irina Pähn, Sille Kapper-Tiisler, Heili Einasto, Tiina Ollesk, Renee Nõmmik, Külli Roosna, Kenneth Flak, Indrek Kornel, Rūta Ronja Pakalne, Rob Hayden, Russell Adamson, Rakesh Sukesh, Andrius Katinas, Abhilash Ningappa, Shifu Ash, and Arnaud Degimbe.
Maarja is fascinated by topics such as identity, spirituality, transformation, unexpected turns, shocks, the unknown, masks, facial expressions, interpersonal psychology, colors, human sculptures, butoh, creatureliness, mythology, and more. Her recent projects have focused on understanding and expressing human existence through a poetic and intense movement language, exploring physical deformation and emotional intensity. She enjoys collaborating with all the artists who have been created in this world, respecting each one’s unique perspective and the beauty they bring. .
Her first full-length production, titled “Arti-San”, premiered on March 28, 2024, at the Mait Agu Hall. This performance served as her bachelor’s graduation project. Currently, she is involved in various projects and private events where she is invited to perform, direct, or teach.
Maarja believes that an artist is a creator, a messenger, and a mediator. Her work seeks to inspire and expand different or familiar perspectives, offering moments that connect the shared humanity within us all. Her journey is devoted to the pursuit of beauty, truth, art, spirituality and the essence of the soul.
She dreams of peace for the world, believing that Art is the bridge that leads us There.