Name, Study Programme | Title |
Marcelo Chacur Politano |
Contrasting landscapes: rhythmical dissociation as a tool in textural music composition |
Tuuri Dede |
Tekstiesituse kujundamine soolovokaalmuusikas kui laulja vokaaltehniline meetod |
Anna-Liisa Eller |
Arrangements from 17th and 18th century instrumental music to Estonian chromatic kannel |
Fortunato Salvador García Piquer |
Deepening Scriabin’s Interpretation: Performance Strategies on Expressing Desire in a Selection of Middle-Period Piano Works |
Svetlana Grigorjeva |
Nüüdistantsu poliitilisus: soolistatud ja klassistatud keha(de) ja kehalisuse performatiivsus 21. sajandil
(The Political Potential of Contemporary Dance: Gendered and Classed Corporeality and its Performativity in the 21st Century)
Sten Heinoja |
Pianisti mänguvõtetest Mart Saare klaveriprelüüdide faktuuri väljakujundamisel |
Otto Iivari
Music and Dramatic Art (Composition)
Moving sound: A Choreographic Approach to Spatial Electroacoustic Composition |
Doğaç İşbilen |
Acoustic Ecology: Creating Environmental Harmonies |
Jaanika Juhanson |
Ligipääsetava ja kaasava lavastamise ja lavastusmudeli loomine koostöös puuetega inimeste kogukondadega |
Kadi Kaja |
Muusikaõpetus eesti õppekeelega eesti üldhariduskoolis 1917–2024. Ajaloolis-analüütiline käsitlus |
Veeda Kala |
Klassikalise laulu tekstiselguse saavutamise meetodid ja nende tulemuslikkus muusikaliselt treenitud ja treenimata kuulajate hinnangul |
Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes
Music and Dramatic Art (Composition)
Loominguline protsess kolme erineva psühholoogilise tüübiga helilooja teose näitel |
Vambola Krigul |
Practical percussion: are we up-do-date? |
Alisson Kruusmaa |
Helilooja töömeetoditest koostöös koreograafiga balleti loomisel |
Maila Laidna |
Analysis of piano duo Anna Klas-Bruno Lukk performance style |
Riho Esko Maimets |
Prayer and music: the synthesizing of temporality and atemporality in Composition |
Ilana Makarina |
Unsuk Chin’s piano concerto: the pianist’s creative processes in relation to the preparation of the piano score |
Peeter Margus |
Rahvamuusika interpreteerimine kunstmuusikas George Enescu, Fazil Say ja Eduard Tubina teoste viiulile ja klaverile näitel |
Kadri Noormets |
Koos-komponeeritud elulähedane teater |
Momir Novaković
An Accordionist’s Approach to Techniques, Sound and Articulation in Selected Keyboard Instruments’ Repertoire |
Tiit Ojasoo |
Applying psychophysical gestures to enrich the artistic fabric of a production in the context of the European city theatre system |
Ene Oltre |
Basics in the music theory teaching for beginners in music schools of Estonia |
Toms Ostrovskis |
Issues of Song Cycle Preparation from a Collaborative Pianist’s Perspective as Revealed Through Preparation of Sir Stephen Hough’s Song Cycle “Songs of Love and Loss” |
Valle-Rasmus Roots |
Dirigendi strateegiad rütmiliselt keerukate teoste esituseks valmistudes: Lepo Sumera teine sümfoonia |
Ksenia Rossar |
The behaviour of the soprano voice in a partnership with different instruments in the context of a chamber music duet |
Francesco Pio Russo |
Dynamic Role-Shifting in Free Improvisation: Exploring the Bassoon in Ensemble Performances |
Inna Rüü |
Singing repertoire in elementary school from the perspective of children voice range profiles |
Karl Saks |
Auditory and visual theatre from the point of view of cognitive and ecological perception |
Tiiu Sisask |
Performance-related Issues in Piano Duo Performance of 20 and 21 Century Works |
Mantas Šernius |
Interpretational strategies concerning the performing of solo piano music by Stasys Vainiūnas |
Elo Tepp |
Edition by Ferdinand David of the works for violin solo by Johann Sebastian Bach as their earliest documented performance |
Maarja Tyler |
Soviet Estonian Music in the 1960s: Adoption of Modernism in Arvo Pärt’s Creative Journey? |
Giacomo Veronesi |
The Practice of Etude
Ekke Västrik |
Teosespetsiifilise noodikirja arendamine kui kompositsioonimeetod elektroonilise muusika ettekandmiseks kontserdil |