International cooperation at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre is coordinated and implemented by the department of international and public relations. In its activities the department supports the vision of EAMT as a recognised and attractive educational and cultural centre that actively develops international cooperation and is open to creative ideas, research activities and innovative interdisciplinary projects.
To fulfill the goals the academy shall:
- promote the international mobility of students and teaching staff;
- support students’ participation in international competitions and in international cooperation and research projects;
- invite foreign top-level musicians, actors, stage directors, prominent researchers and cultural managers to contribute to its educational activities.
See also: Internationalisation strategy of the EAMT 2021-2025
EAMT is a member of international organisations and collaborative networks:
AEC – Association Européenne des Conservatoires
ANMA – Association of Nordic Music Academies (EAMT rector professor Ivari Ilja is a member of the executive committee)
ELIA – European League of the Institutes of Arts
GLOMUS – Global network for Higher Music, Dance and Performing Arts Education
METRIC – Modernizing European Higher Music Education through Improvisation
SEADOM – Southeast Asian Directors of Music (Associate Member)
EAS – European Association for Music in Schools
ECMTA – European Chamber Music Teachers’ Association (chaired currently by EAMT professor Marje Lohuaru)
ENCATC – European Arts Management Education Network
IASJ – International Association of Schools of Jazz
Nordplus networks:
NordClassic (EAMT hosts the secretariat, network coordinator Hanneleen Pihlak is a member of Nordplusmusic executive committee)
EAMT participates as coordinator or partner in international cooperation projects:
e.g. Erasmus+ strategic partnerships, Estonia’s only international joint Masters programme in the field of music CoPeCo, and various Nordplus intensive courses.
EAMT cooperates with more than 170 partner universities in Europe and several institutions outside the EU. Student and staff mobility is mainly organised in the framework of Erasmus+ and Nordplus.
EAMT partner institutions
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Colombia
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Malaysia
- Moldova
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
Important data for EU project participation:
PIC code: 984368223
OID: E10171388
Erasmus Policy Statement 2014-2020
Erasmus Charter EMTA 2014-2020
Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027
Erasmus Charter EMTA 2021-2027