CPPM LÄBU. Prototypes of solo performances (vol 3): Jõesaar | Filippou | Jensen | Williams | Żurek
18.12.2022 at 19:00
Black box
LÄBU vol 3
Kirte Jõesaar (EST) „private negotiations“
Sofia Filippou (GRE) „just two raspberries hugging and a thief of a tongue not asking for permission“
Rasmus Jensen (DK) „The Great Wave +1“
Kymbali Williams (EST/UK) „The Diaries of Mihkla Pall | still in chaos“
Misia Żurek (POL) „The rhythm of falling. The breath of flying. The composition of decomposing.“
LÄBU (“a mess” in Estonian) is what we all must deal with after a long night of celebrations. It´s the physical pain in a body full of vivid sensations. The noise in a head filled with joyful thoughts. It´s our private space reduced to a total mess.
After 3 months of highly intensive workshops guided by a team of inspiring artists from all kinds of places and practices, the CPPM students are faced with the impossible challenge to make immediate sense of the overload of information. They are required to distill the essence of what inspired them the most, integrate it into their own artistic practice and make an exciting solo performance out of it. And it must happen in less than 2 weeks. The result, LÄBU, will be shown to an audience on 2 different occasions. What for? The Laboratory in which innovation is concocted is a messy place, LÄBU, where chance plays a major role. We are not looking for well-polished plays, we want these works to be truly experimental, and artists to be a bit reckless. Therefore we call them solo prototypes, hypotheses of groundbreaking creative practice yet to come. And You are invited to join us, in the LÄBU of contemporary performance.
„private negotiations“
Created and performed by Kirte Jõesaar
Sound support: Kymbali Williams
Lighting design: Rommi Ruttas, Jari Matsi
an office
a service
a sacred transaction
a lullaby for the uncertain
a long hot shower
a subtle smile
a tease
a naked body
in the arms of
another naked body
a ritual of care
a consolation
a responsibility
an artificial landscape
a wrestling session
a bitter aftertaste
a performance where the familiar and the unfamiliar, the intimate and the formal, the functional and the holy meet and mingle.
„just two raspberries hugging and a thief of a tongue not asking for permission“
Created and performed by Sofia Filippou
Sound design: Helen Moore
Lighting design: Rommi Ruttas, Jari Matsi
Set/Costume consultation: Eva Orupõld
Artistic consultation: Pääsu Liis Kens, Helina Karvak, Joanna Kalm, Eline Selgis, Eva Orupõld, Joseph Campbell
About whispering; or more like, about things that whisper.
About catching that moment of falling asleep.
About holding hands while the world is ending.
About the tissues that we use to blow our nose while we weep.
About licking each-other’s tears off our cheeks.
About all the conversations between moss and stone.
About de-composing.
It’s about time
Let’s make a map of all the slug trails.
Let’s write a list of all the things that yawn.
Let’s write love letters to impossible futures;
When all this is over I am planning to meet you in an exhalation
Always already in love,
„just two raspberries hugging“ is an invitation to spend time at the edge of things.
Thanks to: Eda Orupõld, CPPM family, Giacomo Veronesi, Jüri Nael, CPPM visiting artists: Ephia Gburek, Mart Kangro, Hannes Langolf, La Pocha Nostra, Eddie Martinez, Rakesh Sukesh and Olivier de Sagazan
„The Great Wave +1“
Created by Rasmus Stenager Jensen and Liisamari Viik
Performed by Rasmus Stenager Jensen
Lighting design: Rommi Ruttas, Jari Matsi
The Great Wave +1 is a reproduction of an image that exists
in and through its own becoming.
it is a wave right before becoming the wave:
again and again and,
in a recurring dream an image is floating
in the developer solution, attaching
neither to the paper, the negative
or the solution itself.
this image is floating in its own becoming.
it does not belong to time
as much as it is time in itself.
just as the silence of 4.00am.
what kind of image exists as such?
Thanks to: Ann Mirjam Vaikla, Giacomo Veronesi, Jüri Nael, Kristiina Hansen and CPPM family
„The Diaries of Mihkla Pall | still in chaos“
Created and performed by Kymbali Williams
Sound and video design: Kymbali Williams
Technical support: Nikita Šiškov
Artwork: Kirte Jõesaar, Kymbali Williams
The Diaries of Mihkla Pall | still in chaos is a journey of bringing the outside inward through an audiovisual medium. It explores the sensory relationship between the city and the countryside by extracting memories from the persona Mihkla Pall.
a passing of time
a memory for a memory
A haunting corridor lingers in my dreams, reminding me of tight spaces in the underground.
A home made for gathering holds the frail bones of a loner.
Waiting for something to happen, forever wandering in a digital haze.
This piece is a homage to a past time, forgotten, dead.
A bittersweet reminder for those lost in corridors.
Thanks to: Kirte Jõesaar for reminding me to breathe; Giacomo Veronesi for blowing my mind; CPPM family for always understanding (kinda)
„The rhythm of falling. The breath of flying. The composition of decomposing.“
Concept and performance: Misia Żurek
Lighting design: Rommi Ruttas, Jari Matsi
Sound: pieces of found sounds sticked together
Designed to fall and come close to the centre of the Earth, a human being is trying hard to reach the highest. They desire to fly but are forced to fall. The human finds themselves lost, gravitating in between. Now there is a moment to dive deeply in sensations, in being a body surrounded by other bodies, connecting with being a part of Gaia.
Thanks to: CPPM family, Miki and my best friends