Teacher and staff mobility

EAMT academic and administrative staff has the opportunity to participate in teaching or training activities in frames of Erasmus+ and Nordplus programmes both at partner universities and organisations within and outside the EU. In addition it’s possible to invite teachers and staff from partner institutions and various professional organisations (including freelance experts) to EAMT. There are also options to implement international development projects.

Teacher and staff exchange includes the following types of mobility:

  • Teaching mobility covering exchanges with the purpose of teaching at a partner university (including incoming experts teaching at EAMT);
  • Staff training at partner universities with the purpose of sharing experience and best practices with specialy colleagues.
  • Straff training offered in frames of Erasmus+ programme, for example HERE ja HERE. NB! Specialty training needs to be directly connected to the work of the employee and approved according to the guide of work related trips available at intranet here.

The applications of incoming experts are accepted on a running basis but it’s recommended to submit these at least 2 months before the planned teaching activity to kadi.kallau@eamt.ee


Participation criteria

The mobility participant needs to be a contractual employee at the sending institution (including employment, service or agency contracts). Teaching mobility is possible at institutions with whom EAMT has signed an Erasmus agreement or that belong to Nordplus thematic networks

For mobility with programme countries priority is given to teacher training that enhances pedagogical and curriculum design skills. 


Mobility duration

  • While Nordplus teacher mobility duration can be just one day (8 hours of teaching), the minimum duration of Erasmus+ mobility within Europe is 2 days and of international credit mobility 5 days, excluding travel days. 
  • A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). A week is defined as five working days. If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week.
  • If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity during a single period abroad, the minimum number of hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay) is reduced to 4 hours.


Organisation and reporting

Before the mobility
The mobility participant needs to sign the Mobility Agreement that sets out the programme of teaching / training and Grant Agreement setting the financial support according to the mobility duration and travel distance.

Erasmus+ mobility within Europe
Mobility Agreement (teaching)
Mobility Agreement (training)

Grant agreement (teaching / training / teaching and training)

Erasmus+ international credit mobility
Mobility Agreement (teaching)
Mobility Agreement (training)
Grant Agreement

Grant Agreement

During the mobility
The receiving institution or host organisation needs to sign the mobility Confirmation. The confirmation has to be brought or sent to the EAMT International Office upon return.  

After the mobility
Each mobility participant is requested  to submit a participant report, in case of Erasmus+ in Mobility Tool portal (invitation will be sent automatically from the portal), Nordplus report should be sent to hanneleen.pihlak@eamt.ee.

In addition, a financial report needs to be filled out at the Accounting department. The report needs to include the relevant travel documents (boarding passes, tickets, receipts etc).



Mobility participants will receive an EU grant as a contribution to the costs for travel and subsistence. 

In case of incoming experts and partner country employees whose mobility is financed from EAMT Erasmus budget, individual income tax (20%) will be deducted according to Estonian tax law. We also need the participant’s nationality/birth date (for the national Tax Board). The grant shall be paid to the incoming expert’s/teacher’s bank account. Daily subsistence rate in Estonia is 140 EUR and ERASMUS+ distance calculator and maximum travel grant rates will be used to calculate the eligible amount for travel support.

Erasmus+ mobility within Europe
Maximum individual support rates for teachers and staff 2024-2026

Erasmus+ international credit mobility
Individual support daily rate 180 EUR
ERASMUS+ distance calculator will be used to calculate the travel grant according to the distance for one direction.

Daily subsistence rate max 100 EUR
Weekly subsistence rate (5-7 working days) max 500 EUR
Travel rate 330 EUR, for Iceland 660 EUR


Additional info:

Kädi Kallau (Erasmus+ mobility within Europe: outgoing mobility, incoming experts)
+372 667 5760

Hanneleen Pihlak (Erasmus+ international credit mobility, Nordplus) 
+372 667 5779

Kai Kiiv (Erasmus+ mobility within Europe: incoming mobility)
+372 667 5721